"Barney Feet" a.k.a. Sprint FiveFingers on the Today Show
Looks like I need to update the alternate names for VFFs page to include "Barney Feet," the name giv

Looks like I need to update the alternate names for VFFs page to include "Barney Feet," the name given to Sprint Vibram FiveFingers (in fuscia-lilac) by the Today Show yesterday morning, November 10, 2009.
Here's the one minute clip where they talk about it:
Sara Haines: "I'm lovin' them ..."
She goes on to say that her pinky toe wasn't liking the separation so much but that she finds them to be pretty comfortable. Sara tweeted a photo of her in her "new kicks," too, which shoeaholics retweeted and it made it onto VFF Now. Stick with it Sara!
They also question if VFFs would be good if you had bunions — anyone have any experience with this? I've had a few people asking about bunions and VFFs, specifically.
In other VFFs-in-the-news news, musician Matthew Sweet apparently enjoys wearing his black KSO FiveFingers. Check it out:
Make like an apeman! They're called Five Fingers, even though Five Toes would describe them more accurately. I wear them religiously. They are shoes. Susanna Hoffs and I have been on the road playing informal acoustic shows in support of our covers records, 'Under The Covers volume 1 & 2.' One of the most asked questions for me at the venues is, "Tell us about those shoes!" "Those shoes" are the Five Fingers by Vibram, and they are a dream come true -- a shoe for people who would rather be barefoot, like me!
These are but two more examples of FiveFingers turning heads and becoming more popular!
H/T to Sean in Niceville for passing on the link to the Today Show clip!