Shamma Sandals Cruzers Review

Shamma Sandals Cruzers Review

Sheer simplicity and uncomplicated enjoyment! Get the Shamma Sandals experience for an entry price! The new Cruzers provide many of the best attributes of Shamma Sandals in an entry-level model!

Notes from Shamma Sandals

Cruz on the streets, cruz on the mountains, cruz on the trails- Shamma Cruzers are designed to be durable, versatile, and responsive, without any fluff. With the simple lacing design and comfortable footbed, Cruzers are for anyone and everyone. Cruz anywhere with Shamma Cruzers.

The lightweight minimal design of Cruzers make them ideal for walking, hiking, and running. These sandals are made to Cruz, and you will love every minute in them on the street, the mountains, and the trails. Cruzers are built to perform- are you?

Made in the USA. FREE shipping on all domestic sandal orders!


These Cruzers are like a beloved fixed-gear bike or a trusty 35mm prime lens. It does not provide the absolute best performance of all your needs, but it is versatile, simple, and enjoyable through all kinds of situations.

The new Shamma Cruzers use the same 6mm Vibram Morflex pyramid sole as other Morflex sole sandals in their line. Morflex is a microcellular material, which conforms to your feet over time, is flexible, but not floppy. There is an airiness to this compound and it is incredibly light and bounces back very slightly from impact.

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Morflex is a reliable, versatile material for everyday use. Ultragrip uppers shown here

The sole flexes upon landing, but it does not slap the ground. Other soles made of denser rubber can create a slapping affect, but Morflex simply “gives” upon landing. Because of this pliable, yet stiff property, Morflex is one of my favorite materials for road running and general use. The lack of treads will limit your options for extreme circumstances. The sole is soft enough to provide some grip from the pressure of your foot. If you step on a large rock, you can emphasize one part of your foot more and place more pressure to maximize leverage. Of course, this all occurs with a treadless sole, so different conditions and surfaces will affect your overall grip. However, the flexibility and dexterity of the sole does give you more options than you might think.

Because this sole is a true Jack-of-all-trades. It can handle most things well and is incredibly versatile. This pyramid version is slightly more capable than the older, flatter Morflex sole used in prior sandals with a tad better grip and denser composition. Those little pyramid dimples do flatten out pretty quickly though.

Morflex is an excellent all-around sole that is great for road-running, trails, and everyday enjoyment. The sole is lightweight and the design is overall even lighter than their slightly more upscaled Chargers—with nearly the same capabilities and comfort.

So when taking long hikes in the Shammas—especially the Morflex soled versions--I often forget about them. My prior reviews cited eight-hour hikes in Madeira, a 12-hour detours on Mount Washington, getting lost in Bar Harbor, and mixed ice and desert landscapes in Iceland as my testing grounds. I was happy to add Texas river crossings and the dry mountains of Colorado to the list of adventures I have enjoyed in the past year.

Carried over from the Chargers is the Ultragrip Footbed. This waterproof footbed is made from a specially designed Toughtek® material and has excellent grip for your feet. The Ultragrip footbed features a water-draining diamond pattern that is not perceivable when wearing, but does allow for an outlet for water when kayaking or hiking.

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The Ultragrip uppers are tough and have held up after many miles and many adventures. It is sticky enough for wet environments, and does not distract when on dry land.

Over time, the sole compresses to the shape of your foot, especially in the sole and ball of the foot. After hundreds of miles, I have yet to make a hole in Morflex through regular use. Straps have failed where the sole perseveres. Of course, this is all relative. I would recommend Morflex for roads, cities, and light trails, but for its intended purpose, it is a great compound that I really enjoy for running and exploring.

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Clean, simple, ready to go


The Cruzers have a look that recalls Shamma Sandals of the past. They are not a replica of older models though. Multiple design elements streamline the appearance and give a more polished look. The appearance is purposeful but elegant with smooth straps, miniaturized buckles, custom keepers, and all in stealth black.

Adjustments are made via a single long loop strap, rather than a Velcro strap. There are pros and cons association with this. On one hand, adjustments take amore time, requiring that you thread the straps throughout the sandal on either side of your foot. However, the removal of Velcro gives a more simple look with fewer weakpoints. Velcro can fray and the placement of the Velcro can have an effect on your fit and enjoyment of the sandal. If the Velcro is too long, then you would end up having to thread more strap through and have less Velcro adherence to secure the straps. On the flip side, if there is not enough Velcro, then you would also have less surface area for the two ends of Velcro to stick to.

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The Powersleeve helps with comfort and performance

In addition, a single strap the threads through buckles is less likely to come undone or fall apart over time. Typically, once I dial in my proper fit, I just slip the strap over my heel and I am ready to go.

On the inner side of the sandal, there is a relatively beefy strap holder. This “powersleeve” keeps the heel strap up and in its proper position while in motion and creates a large, smooth surface for the arch-side of your foot.

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Multi-directional buckle for fit adjustments

Fit and Materials

For me, the fit is excellent. A wide toesplay is possible and the shape of the shoe does not that drop off towards the pinky toe. For my ties and feet, this is almost a custom shape! If you have feet like mine, you will appreciate the wide platform. If necessary, you can always trim accordingly.

For a near flawless fitting experience. Shamma Sandals provides PDFs that you can print out, place on the floor, and try out to see how wide the sandals are and where your toes will lie when wearing them. If you have a long index toe, you can see exactly where it will rest in relation to the rest of the foot. This is a feature that I think ALL shoe manufacturers should provide for their customers. This level of reliability and consistency across all models is much appreciated.

The miniaturized main buckle does not sacrifice any usability for it smaller and smoother footprint. With this multi-directional buckle, you can slide your straps in many directions to maximize security, comfort, and fit. If I want the straps to go further up my feet, creating a tall “Y” shape for more security, this buckle will allow that. If I would prefer the straps shift further down, making a vague “K” shape for more lax comfort, that is a piece of cake as well.

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Durable, comfortable strap webbing

In terms of the strap materials, I have never had the straps fail on a Shamma Sandal. They are smooth and very durable. It is a wonderful material! I have had straps on other sandals that are less comfortable AND less durable. In an older model, the strap attachment point wear out over time, but new powersleeve update is made of a much tougher material and it serves to both maintain performance and comfort.

This entry-level grew on it and I consider it one of my favorites due to its simplicity and versatility. Velcro straps are convenient, but having a single loop has a nice set-it-and-forget-it feeling.

One of my favorite sandals from Shamma was the All Browns, which featured a single leather loop for its strap. Eventually, the leather did wear out, but the sheer uncomplicatedness, the utter unfussiness made one sandal that I would always reach for. This Cruzer has the same spirit as those premium all browns, but are slotted as the entry into the brand. Recalling what I paid for a leather sandal years ago and seeing the same essence and personality in a “budget” model really makes me smile. All this, but with more comfort, performance, and durability features

Future Improvements

I have talked to Shamma about making new color and I think that would be an excellent addition to their entire line. Having a splash of personality and customization would really allow users to strengthen their initial connection to their shoes. I really hope that a “Warrior Cruzer” also is in the works! Basically the same sandal, but with Newflex Vibram rubber for better traction and trail use. I almost always reach for a Morflex sole for everyday use and roads, but Newflex rubber is better for tougher terrain and more weather conditions.

9/21 Update: Blue Cruzers are now available, red will be online soon, and green by next quarter!

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Overall, this sandal really surprised me!

I thought an entry-level model would lead to sacrifices, but I was amazed by the versatility and thoughtfulness of this model.

Like a beloved prime lens, you cannot help but appreciate its simplicity and purpose. This is a sandal for everyday adventures, big or small, and at very competitive price point to get into the Shamma line. Happy to tackle most needs, it’s a fantastic new model; super comfortable, durable materials, and a spirit that says “let’s go!”