Brandon’s 5.5 mile road race in KSO FiveFingers

Brandon Marshall (@bmarshallpf on twitter) recently finished his first race running in his KSO FiveF

Brandon Marshall (@bmarshallpf on twitter) recently finished his first race running in his KSO FiveFingers. Brandon emailed me to let me know about the race saying, “Love the site! I just wanted to send you a few pictures from a 5.5 mile road race I did in black KSO’s this past weekend. It was my first race in them and it was awesome!”

Further, Brandon wrote up his race results at his blog. Here’s a snippet from that post:

The results for the 2009 Tarzan Brown Mystic River Run have been posted and I ended up finishing the race with a net time of 46:29 at an 8:27 minute mile pace (the results say a pace of 8:34, but that is based on my final time, not my net time.) My time is the first entry on “page 8″ of the results. Not too shabby for my first race in the Vibram Five Fingers I guess! I’m getting pretty comfortable running in the VFF’s now and with longer and longer runs, I’m noticing less pain the next day or so compared to how I used to feel in my Nike’s. Hopefully the same is true after this race!

Well done, Brandon! Glad your recovery time is improving and best of luck on your future races!

Admin note: For all you RSS subscribers who might miss the updated post, Women’s Treks and extended sizes for Men’s KSO Trek has indeed been greenlighted for production by Vibram!

By Justin

Justin Owings is a deadlifting dad of three, working from Atlanta. When he's not chasing his three kids around, you'll find him trying to understand systems, risk, and human behavior.

2 replies on “Brandon’s 5.5 mile road race in KSO FiveFingers”

Thanks for the feature! I just wanted to note that out of the 750 people in the race, there was only one other guy wearing Five Fingers (Sprints) and two people who ran it barefoot. Including me though, that’s two more VFF-er and one more barefooter than last year!

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