Channing Tatum runs in KSO Treks (via

Recent G.I. Joe, She’s the Man, and Stop-Loss star Channing Tatum has been spotted wearing KSO Trek Five Fingers while on his way to workout. TMZ had a video segment titled “If the shoe fits” on the VFF-sighting that aired on television on January 1…

Recent G.I. Joe, She’s the Man, and Stop-Loss star Channing Tatum has been spotted wearing KSO Trek Five Fingers while on his way to workout.

TMZ had a video segment titled “If the shoe fits” on the VFF-sighting that aired on television on January 1, 2010. In the minute-and-a-half clip, they show Tatum grabbing his things to go workout. The Paparazzi present ask him how he feels about his recent successes only to notice his “toe finger shoes;” apparently, Channing runs in them.

As you might guess, TMZ takes the opportunity to mock Channing’s choice of footwear. Thankfully, at least one TMZ crewmember is also a VFFer, though unfortunately it seems his reason fell on def ears. I got a kick out of the video clip:

Though Alex does a laudable job in the video espousing the merits of Vibram Five Fingers to the TMZ crew, they were still able to get some quality digs in on VFFs. Perhaps the funniest being an exchange where one guy asks, “What do they do for you?” and getting the response, “They make chicks not like you!” A comment from a questionable source at best:

TMZ had a field day mocking Tatum's "Avatar" shoes.  At least one TMZ crew member spoke up on their behalf, but others were less enthusiastic, to say the least!

TMZ had a field day mocking Tatum’s “Avatar” shoes. At least one TMZ crew member spoke up on their behalf, but others were less enthusiastic, to say the least!

Anyway, whether Five Fingers ever go mainstream is an ongoing question here (I think they will!). And if I’m not mistaken, this is the first celebrity sighting (excepting Sergey Brin’s wearing KSO Five Fingers). Anyone have a clue what is going on with Tatum’s left KSO Trek? The strap seems to be missing and I have no clue what is going on with his left foot’s middle toe, but it looks totally mangled:

What is going on with Channing Tatum's KSO Trek Five Fingers here?  Looks like a dog got a hold of his left VFF!

What is going on with Channing Tatum’s KSO Trek Five Fingers here? Looks like a dog got a hold of his left VFF!

(H/T Shawn | @sdemeule)

Other links on Channing Tatum’s VFFs:

By Justin

Justin Owings is a deadlifting dad of three, working from Atlanta. When he's not chasing his three kids around, you'll find him trying to understand systems, risk, and human behavior.

8 replies on “Channing Tatum runs in KSO Treks (via”

I think you’re 100% correct on the dog theory. Surely he can afford new ones. I bet his new ones are on backorder like mine.

“Makes chicks not like you”

Except 20x more chicks will talk to you. I’ve never gone out of my way to talk to chicks, but they now go out of their way to talk to me. Chicks dig shoes (just look in their closets) even if they think VFF are weird, deep down they want some 😉

About the only time I don’t wear VFF in public, is when I’m in a hurry and don’t have time to answer everyone’s questions. Sometimes it gets old.

Gah. Aside from the factual inaccuracy about “chicks not liking you” I HATE the way that these things are always presented as if “chicks” ourselves might not be interested in them, and as if women are some sort of prize for being cool. If I talk to you, it’s because I like you or find you or your shoes interesting, not because you “won” or “earned” me by wearing something.

It’s not always all about Teh Dudes, dudes.

(rant aimed more at the TMZ folks than anyone here)

Nice comments @grok and @rana!

I think the VFFs-are-a-turn-off is a red herring, personally. If anything, I think wearing them in public projects confidence in your appearance, which is attractive no matter your gender.

I tweet-mentioned Channing and asked him about his (apparently damaged) VFFs — we’ll see if I get a response!

I second that on the ladies interested in the shoes, they do spark conversation. If your good you can seg that into a deeper convo. I actually find that the shoes spark everyones intrest. Its at that point I try to educate about the VFF’s, some people are interested others, just want to make a comment. I will have to say I have become addicted to the VFF’s, I have the KSO’s,MOC’s, Treks and on the way from england the Holy Grail Trek Flow’s.

listen you freaks women despise being called ‘chicks’ it makes them feel as if they are no more than a piece of crap. get a life and stop calling women chicks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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