Sergey Brin, Billionaire, Innovator, Five Fingers Model

Who’d have thought that Google’s up-and-coming operating system would be less exciting than Sergey’s

Who’d have thought that Google’s up-and-coming operating system would be less exciting than Sergey’s five-toed shoes? Well, some people around here might have guessed it. Yesterday Google made a big announcement about their Chrome OS and Sergey decided to sport his blue camouflage VFF KSOs!

This marks the second time Brin has been spotted sporting his blue camouflage KSO Five Fingers, the first time was when Brin was interviewed by John Batelle.

Yesterday’s VFF modeling was first chronicled in the live Engadget Chrome OS Announcement post yesterday:

11:15AM Sergey Brin has stopped by. No rollerskates this time, but whatever he’s got on it’s feet, it’s something else.

Of course they were referring to his VFF KSOs. Since then, we’ve seen VFF-centric posts about Brin’s monkey shoes over at Gizmodo and Crunchgear.

Who cares about Chrome OS, anyway? Sergey Brin, Co-Founder of Google and one of the richest guys on the planet, wears Vibram Five Fingers!

Can you say, “Trendsetter?”

H/T to Michael, Bob, Steven, and Mike!

By Justin

Justin Owings is a deadlifting dad of three, working from Atlanta. When he's not chasing his three kids around, you'll find him trying to understand systems, risk, and human behavior.

2 replies on “Sergey Brin, Billionaire, Innovator, Five Fingers Model”

Paris Hilten looking for Sergey Brin.
Hey Sergey, tell Paris tell you want to marry her and tell her this.
There are three wedding dresses.
1. Red (pink)
2. White.
3. What is the color of the third wedding dress.
Thanks Sergey.
She can be contacted through VFW
1391 veterans of foreign wars, Racine,Wisconsin. 2054 Franklin and 21st
contact through Steve or John Kraetsch. etc.etc.
Good luck, NOrman Dreamer.
from Racine,Wisconsin.

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