Sergey Brin has blue camo KSO VFFs

John Battelle (@JohnBattelle) recently interviewed Sergey Brin, Co-Founder of Google, at the 2009 We

This guy will come onstage in 20 guess who he is? #w2s on TwitpicJohn Battelle (@JohnBattelle) recently interviewed Sergey Brin, Co-Founder of Google, at the 2009 Web 2.0 Summit. Prior to the interview, Battelle tweeted a pic with the caption “This guy will come onstage in 20 guess who he is? #w2s.” The answer, of course, was Sergey Brin. And below is a video of that interview where Battelle’s first question is about Sergey’s “shoes” (The other 16 minutes are interesting interview material if you’re into Google and Web 2.0, but up to you if you want to watch that!):

Apparently, Sergey has had his blue camo KSO fivefingers for awhile now but recently sprained his ankle while playing Ultimate Frisbee in cleats. So he was wearing his VFFs for comfort. Battelle’s comment, “Those are just … freaky.”


H/T Nikola for alerting me to this video!

Admin note: Been away for the past few days in the Smoky Mountains so apologies to those who’ve sent in photos and stories — I’m not ignoring you and will get things back on track in the next day or so! — Justin

By Justin

Justin Owings is a deadlifting dad of three, working from Atlanta. When he's not chasing his three kids around, you'll find him trying to understand systems, risk, and human behavior.

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