Colin takes two weeks to “mill around” France barefoot or in Vibrams (Classics)

“I spent most of the time barefoot whilst milling around the campsites and driving. I wore my Vibrams when out and about sight seeing (because barefoot isn’t always appropriate) and cycling and I wore my cheap aging flipflops when the grass outside the tent was wet – my wife would go nuts if I even contemplated walking into the tent with muddy or wet feet/Vibrams.”

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Colin emailed me about his recent “two weeks of barefoot bliss” as he was “milling around” on a camping holiday in France.

Here’s a bit from Colin’s post:

We had a fantastic time, but more importantly, it was two whole weeks for me barefoot, or nearly barefoot, and it felt fantastic. I tried my hardest NOT to wear any shoes whenever possible and succeeded. In fact, today is the first day in 16 days in which I’ve had to put on a pair of shoes and socks (for work) and I must say I can’t wait to get them off.

I spent most of the time barefoot whilst milling around the campsites and driving. I wore my Vibrams when out and about sight seeing (because barefoot isn’t always appropriate) and cycling and I wore my cheap aging flipflops when the grass outside the tent was wet – my wife would go nuts if I even contemplated walking into the tent with muddy or wet feet/Vibrams.

All in all it was fantastic, and great fun to see the looks on people’s faces as I wondered around barefoot or in my Vibrams. The French kids loved the Vibrams, though surprisingly the Dutch kids didn’t seem to fussed.

Those two photos really show off an amazing view — just beautiful! Anyone want to send a blogger to France? For barefooting and Vibram testing purposes, of course!

Colin has also written previously about his VFFs (including reviews and thoughts on sizing) on his personal blog, which you can check out here, here, and here!

By Justin

Justin Owings is a deadlifting dad of three, working from Atlanta. When he's not chasing his three kids around, you'll find him trying to understand systems, risk, and human behavior.

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