Could BirthdayShoes Get a Reboot? Watch This Space

It is 2019, and 2019 marks the 10th year of BirthdayShoes’ existence. Hard to believe, I know. Where does the time go? Long-time readers may have lamented BirthdayShoes isn’t as fresh as it used to be (Perhaps never was! I’m no designer.). The site…

It is 2019, and 2019 marks the 10th year of BirthdayShoes’ existence. Hard to believe, I know. Where does the time go?

Long-time readers may have lamented BirthdayShoes isn’t as fresh as it used to be (Perhaps never was! I’m no designer.). The site could use an update in look and a steady(ier) supply of reviews, content, news, and more.

I’m interested in making that happen. And some of the above is already in progress: a new design has been created and in short order, we’ll be moving the platform from the very-outdated, old school blogging platform it’s on (called b2evolution, which has been great, really, it’s just ancient), reloading the site in WordPress, and with that, beginning a new era for BirthdayShoes.

That’s the hope, anyway.

Bear with me as we work through this.

Update 4/10/2019: Thanks to all of you (so many!) who have reached out in support! I’m still working on this effort and hope to reach out with more information soon.

By Justin

Justin Owings is a deadlifting dad of three, working from Atlanta. When he's not chasing his three kids around, you'll find him trying to understand systems, risk, and human behavior.

4 replies on “Could BirthdayShoes Get a Reboot? Watch This Space”

Good luck with the reboot, and finding some new ways to stay on top of it all.

Migrating to a new system and new processes/ways of doing things is like moving houses. Some of the junk gets tossed, some things get a new life. The new space opens the door for new possibilities.

Personal note, I’ve been running/wearing toe shoes for 10 years now myself. Almost never wear anything else. They work for me, not for everyone maybe, but they work for me.

Websites are like that too, focus on what works for you. I’m a WordPress person (developer and writer) and even as I work in it full time myself, some aspects of it work for me and my flow and others do not.

This year I’m looking to find little automations to make all of that easier, running a podcast off an app on my phone, getting transcripts of the podcast through a terrific service, using that as copy for blog articles (best case) or worst case, just publishing the show notes… giving visitors the option to then pick the content that works for them.

Wishing you luck, and looking forward to what ever you share next!

~ Brett

One thing I do miss was the forum. It had unfortunately died back and become a haven of spammers in more recent years. The change of forum software didn’t help, either.

And I’ve been saying, “Yes, of course they’re comfortable.” since 2012. 😉

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