Hello, World?

Hey, y’all. It’s Justin. If you don’t know me, that’s my fault. You see, over the last several years, I’ve fallen off the edge of the earth—at least when it comes to BirthdayShoes. I haven’t posted a thing since April 2019. Had it not been for the faithful and regular work of Jarvis Chen, who […]

I Missed It

It’s been on my mind recently—a big anniversary of sorts coming up. Only, as these things go, I thought about it and forgot it. What’s the big deal? Well, yesterday marked the 10 year anniversary of BirthdayShoes.com. I launched BirthdayShoes on April…

Could BirthdayShoes Get a Reboot? Watch This Space

It is 2019, and 2019 marks the 10th year of BirthdayShoes’ existence. Hard to believe, I know. Where does the time go? Long-time readers may have lamented BirthdayShoes isn’t as fresh as it used to be (Perhaps never was! I’m no designer.). The site…

MyMayu Waterproof Minimalist Boots Kickstarter

A BirthdayShoes reader named Justin recently reached out about a Kickstarter campaign for MyMayu waterproof, minimalist boots. Justin shared: I was wondering if you’ve noticed the MyMayu (www.mymayu.com) kickstarter for their adult-sized, waterproof,…

You Can Buy These Old School Vibram FiveFingers

PSA: Vibram has a handful of the “OG” FiveFingers on sale on their website. Sure, a couple of them weren’t “1st gen.” However, even the Seeyas are “classics” since they came out some six years ago. Here’s what they’ve got: KSOs! — Available in 3…

Martin Berkhan’s Leangains Method Book (Diet) Review – JustinOwings.com

For seasoned BirthdayShoes veterans, you might recall discussion about Martin Berkhan’s “Leangains,” the original 16:8 (16 hours fasting, 8 hours eating) diet and training protocol. For example, Hugh Jackman, who we’ve seen photoed deadlifting in Speed…

Kickstart Splay Athletics—Minimalist Shoes for Kids

If you have kids (And yikes! I have three!), you know the struggle that is finding shoes for your kids that fit, are comfortable, and well, good for them. And this last criteria is near impossible to find—at least not at a pricepoint that is reasonable.…

Kickstart Bison Boots

I just got word about a budding minimalist boot company called Bison Boots. Bison is being kickstarted here and Gwyn reached out to tell me about the vision she and her husband have for manufacturing handmade minimalist boots out of Bison leather and…

Vibram FiveFingers Sale – 45% off V-Run, Spyridon Elite, Trek Ascent

Outdoor gear site LeftLane Sports just launched a 24 hour only sale on Vivo Barefoot shoes that includes a large variety of Vivos shoes–if you can find your size! They’re dubbing it an “early access” Black Friday sale and I have to say—it is…

The Great BirthdayShoes Garage Clean-up

I often tell people: careful what you decide to blog about; it might become your life.

It’s tongue-in-cheek but truthfully, I never thought creating BirthdayShoes going on 8 years ago that I’d become the Al Bundy of barefoot shoes, but well, that…