Cut the Cord - Vibram Five Fingers Classics Strap Removal [modification]

Some have wondered how a pair of Classic Vibram Five Fingers would function if you removed the elastic bungee cord strap that cinches behind the heel — is it possible? Advisable? Will the Classic Vibrams stay on your feet? Learn more about this permanent modification to your Classics Vibram Five Fin

Cut the Cord - Vibram Five Fingers Classics Strap Removal [modification]

WARNING!  This modification will irrevocably change your Classic Vibram Five Fingers!  Proceed with caution*, fully knowing that a more casual and comfortable pair of Classic Vibrams awaits you should you choose to proceed ...

(I cover just about everything written below in a video at the bottom, you can skip straight to that if you prefer a visual demonstration!)

The thought of cutting the elastic bungee cord band — one of the hallmark traits of Classic Vibram Five Fingers — has crossed the mind's of many a Vibram Five Fingers fans. And a few have even already taken the leap and cut the cord.

Reasons for cutting the elastic band on a perfectly good pair of Classic Vibram Five Fingers are fairly clearcut:

  • You never cinch the strap, anyway, and that bit of elastic on the front of your instep is just "there" enough to be annoying.
  • You've got multiple pairs of fivefingers, and you use your Classics for less strenuous, less jerky activities — you can't foresee needing the bungee cinched in the future.
  • You just want to make your Classic VFFs, the "flip-flops" of the Vibram world, that much more comfortable

That said, actually throwing caution to the wind and cutting the cord is easier said than done.  It takes scissors and it takes guts.



Vibram Five Fingers Classics in Castlerock Grey and Green pre-strap removal modfication
Vibram Five Fingers Classics in Castlerock Grey and Green post-strap removal modfication
Vibram Five Fingers Classics in Castlerock Grey and Green post-strap removal modfication
  • Slip those scissors around the cord and snip it
  • Cut the cord!
  • Hold the VFF in one hand and yank that cord outta there!
  • Relish in your strapless VFFs!  Enjoy putting them on easily with no hands!

Done!  Dance a jig!

I've now done this mod on two of my pairs of Classics and they are still perfectly capable of handling any walking, basic jogging (not sprinting!), and weight lifting/bodyweight workouts.

Vibram Five Fingers Classics Cord Removal — Video

Here's a video documenting how I cut the cord on a pair of basically new Classic FiveFingers in the new Castlerock Grey/Green color combination.  Forgive any video missteps as it was necessarily done in a single take!

For the record, Vibram is pronounced v-eee-brum but I just slipped up in the video.

If anyone decides to cut the cord on their Classics, or if you've already one this mod, please share with the community by commenting below!

  • Though it almost goes without saying, this mod will affect Vibram's warranty/return policy!  Proceed with caution!