Dr. Jawa teaches in black KSO VFFs

Dr. Jawa, a professor of mechanical engineering, has been teaching students — in his black fiv

Dr. Jawa, a professor of mechanical engineering, has been teaching students — in his black fivefinger KSOs! The above photo, in which Dr. Jawa is demonstrating what I like to call the “see my fivefingers stance*,” was taken at his home in Diamond Bar, California before heading off to class.

No doubt his students find his footwear fascinating, perhaps worth discussing from the standpoint of bio-mechanical engineering!

* For another example, see Ryan here.

By Justin

Justin Owings is a deadlifting dad of three, working from Atlanta. When he's not chasing his three kids around, you'll find him trying to understand systems, risk, and human behavior.

One reply on “Dr. Jawa teaches in black KSO VFFs”

I find the idea of teaching in these shoes quite funny… I began two weeks ago to wear them in school… The reactions i received were hilarious 😀

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