Vibram Five Fingers for Running Trails, Crossfit in Arizona with Ryan

Vibram Five Fingers fan Ryan talks about running trails, yoga, weights, and crossfit in Arizona in his KSO and Classic Vibrams!

Received this weekend in the photos mailbox, comes this note from Ryan:

Hey Justin,

Outstanding site buddy! I’m thrilled something like this exists. Here are a few shots and I just added the classics to my closet too. Here in Arizona, I often do the KSOs with socks on the trails because of all the sand. I use my classics for yoga, weights (just getting into crossfit), running on the road and more. I love the KSOs for AZ mountain trails in the pine trees and sandy wash trails around Phoenix. I just took the classics to Cali and ran beaches and wore them everywhere. I’m a huge fan.

Thanks for taking the time to create a hub for those of us that love our birthday shoes. Thanks again and I look forward to supporting your site and sending on some shots of me in my classics.


Great to hear from you Ryan and thanks for sending in the birthday shoes shots: you have quite the VFF collection! I look forward to hearing more about your fivefinger exploits (and see more shots!) going forward!

By Justin

Justin Owings is a deadlifting dad of three, working from Atlanta. When he's not chasing his three kids around, you'll find him trying to understand systems, risk, and human behavior.

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