FiveFingers Kids KSO at Machu Picchu

This is a shorter user submitted story. It comes from Shipmon family. They wanted to share a couple of photos of Diego Shipmon age 5 sporting his five fingers at the ruins of Machu Picchu. Diego will be 6 years old this month so Happy Birthday to him…

We love receiving photos of readers wearing their Vibram FiveFingers in unique locations all over the world. Today’s user’s mom submitted some photos from a recent trip to Cusco Peru. She wanted to share a couple of pictures of her son Diego (age 5) sporting his VFFs at the ruins of Machu Picchu.

Diego’s mom wrote, “We got his 5 fingers a month before we left to South America, late April / early May – so for about 6 months he’s had them, I’m sure he’s one of a handful of 5 year olds to make it to the ruins of Machu Picchu with them. And he still loves them…” Diego will be 6 years old this month so Happy Birthday to him!

For those of you who do not know Machu Picchu it is a former settlement of the Inca people. Machu Picchu is located on a mountain ridge in Peru about 50 miles northwest of Cusco. The Incas started building Machu Picchu around AD 1400, but abandoned it due to Spanish conquest of the Inca Empire around 1500. If you want to read more about Machu Pichhu, check out Wikipedia.

Part of the mission here at BirthdayShoes has been to document these fan experiences in the words and photos of the wearers — if you’ve got some great photos of you doing what you do in your Vibram Five Fingers, consider sending them in (learn more) and sharing with the community!

By Robert

Robert Barr resides in Woodinville Washington. He is an avid FiveFingers enthusiast who enjoys writing about his experiences in minimalist footwear. After graduating from the University of Washington with a BFA in Photography he started [url=]Washington Home Tours LLC[/url] a local real estate photography company. He also enjoys being a [url=]Scentsy[/url] consultant. At the moment his favorite pair of FiveFingers are his Bormio boots. Get to know Robert better via [url=]his interview here[/url].

One reply on “FiveFingers Kids KSO at Machu Picchu”

FiveFingers Kids KSO at Machu Picchu

That’s actually at the “Sun Temple” in the city of Cuzco, Peru.
The other pics we sent shows Diego at the Ruins of Machu Picchu – By the way It was his dad (me) that sent the pics.
Thanks a million for your site! it’s extremely useful and the reviews seriously impact my future footwear purchases – great work!

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