IT Geeks introduce Vibram Five Fingers to Cebu City

Where exactly is Cebu City and who wears Vibram Five Fingers there? With a population of almost one million people, Cebu City is located in the Philippines. Lavin and Lhar are technology teachers at a university there. Lavin comments on discovering VFFs:…

Where exactly is Cebu City and who wears Vibram Five Fingers there? With a population of almost one million people, Cebu City is located in the Philippines. Lavin and Lhar are technology teachers at a university there. Lavin comments on discovering VFFs:

My friend Lhar and I recently got ourselves a pair of VFFs each. He got the black KSOs, while I got the FLOWs.(I wanted KSOs, but some mix-up got me the Flows instead). We actually got introduced to VFFs and the whole barefoot idea from We are teachers at a University here. Being in the I.T. field, we are naturally geeks. So, we stumbled upon the Gizmodo article about Sergey Brin wearing his Blue KSOs, which then led us to This then took me to the article “You walk wrong”, which made us get a pair of VFF’s! As far as I know, we are the only ones in the city to own a pair. I haven’t seen anyone else wearing VFF’s here.

Lavin said that his first few days in Vibram Five Fingers Flows were a little uncomfortable, but now that they are broken in, they feel great! He also mentioned the neoprene being a bit warm, but since he works in an air conditioned building, it is not a problem.

By Britt

Hailing from College Station, Texas (Home to Texas A&M!), I grew up running cross country. Believe it or not, I gave Justin the name for this site back in early 2009 but I didn't jump on the toe shoes bandwagon until a year later. I am also really into quadcopters and drones and have a blog called

11 replies on “IT Geeks introduce Vibram Five Fingers to Cebu City”

GOto Abellana track there is a guy who runs using his KSO in Cebu.. I think he has already increased his distance to 15km/session

pare gailing ninyo. By the way i’m from Cagayan de Oro City. Wearing KSO Blank. I’m be in Cebu last week of May.

I saw another VFF running running up the mactan bridge. He was wearing KSO black as well. As for me. I ahve the KSO blue and Sprint but I’m still building my mileage on barefoot running to cure my plantar fascitis. hopefully I can do my regular runs on my VFF as well.

actually i have a friend hus been using kso’s since april. He has already used it in a 21k race. Last week we had a long run around 24k. this sunday were going 30k.

@stephen : we know who kung kinsa na Cya. Hehe

hi guys!!! glad to know ur wearing vffs!!!! would like to tell u that it is now being sold in manila!!

we opened out store last may 1, 2010 – at level r1 powerplant mall rockwell..

we have the classic, sprint and kso..but speed and bikila are arriving in 2 months!

hpe u can visit the store when ur in manila

is this available here in Cebu now? I’ve talked to the owner a few months ago and i really want to buy one…. he said he was still looking for distributors…

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