New 5K PR in Five Fingers Bikilas

Matt has a nice collection of Vibram Five Fingers that he has been wearing for quite a while. He sent us this note on how they have been working for him:Just wanted to share a quick story since I finally have a good picture with my VFFs. I wear my…

New 5K PR in Five Fingers Bikilas

Matt has a nice collection of Vibram Five Fingers that he has been wearing for quite a while. He sent us this note on how they have been working for him:

Just wanted to share a quick story since I finally have a good picture with my VFFs.  I wear my KSOs for CrossFit, my Bikilas for running, and my Treks for trail running.  I made the switch to VFFs about two years ago and have never looked back.  I ran the 2010 Houston Marathon in my KSOs and will be running it again in January in my Bikilas.

October 30th, I signed up for a 5K to see how fast I could finish.  I finished in a personal best 22:46.  I love running in the Bikilas after years of fighting blisters in regular running shoes, I am still waiting on my first one to appear from my Five Fingers.  I have a 25K trail run on November 6th, so the Bikilas will get the weekend off.  Keep up the good work on the site.


Thanks for story and glad to hear you are having such great success with your Five Fingers!

In an interesting "it's a small world" side note, I happened to run in the same 25K trail run that Matt did this past Saturday. In fact, he passed me at about the 4 mile mark. I noticed he was wearing Five Fingers and we talked a little bit about them until I realized I couldn't match his pace. He was running strong but relaxed and had a great forefoot strike stride. This will all be news to Matt, since I never mentioned BirthdayShoes. Ha. Small world.

I ran the 20th Annual Rocky Raccoon 25K Trail Run in my recently reviewed New Balance MT101s. It was my first trail race. Here is the race report that I posted at Daily Mile. For Houston area runners who are interested in trail running, the Hog's Hunt 50k/25k is planned for April. Sam Houston State Park is a beautiful place to run.