Noah explores Newfoundland in his KSO Five Fingers

Got the above photos from Noah taken on a recent trip he took to Newfoundland, Canada with his wife Heather. As you can see, Noah wore his KSO fivefingers across various terrain to hike, fish, explore and, eventually, sneak up on some wildlife in Gros Morne National Park

(click any for a larger version)

Got the above photos from Noah taken on a recent trip he took to Newfoundland, Canada with his wife Heather. As you can see, Noah wore his KSO fivefingers across various terrain to hike, fish, explore and, eventually, sneak up on some wildlife in Gros Morne National Park. Here’s Noah:

This summer my wife I were lucky to spend a few weeks in Newfoundland, Canada but in particular Gros Morne National Park.

I wore my VFFs on a variety of hikes. The Green Gardens hike was a 9 km return trip strenuous hike on primarily sharp jagged rocks. While the VFFs held up well, the my feet certainly did hurt at the time. It was pretty painful but I put on a tough face! However I experienced no pain or anything afterwards. Not to mention the numerous people along the path who stopped me to ask about the shoes.

I also wore the shoes on various other trips and hikes in Gros Morne without any issues. Needless to say, the VFF’s were fantastic! I’ve been running in them more than ever and enjoying them more with every step. I still find them difficult to wear in public mostly because I’m stopped so frequently with questions or comments.

Check out the moose that popped out of the trees just a few feet in front of us!


Here is the moose Noah mentioned:

I’ve found that just as fivefingers enable you to be more nimble on your feet, they also enable “stealth” movement. I’ve snuck up on plenty of squirrels and a couple of hawks while bounding about some local woods. No moose though!

Looks like Noah and Heather had quite a beautiful trip. Thanks for passing these shots along!

By Justin

Justin Owings is a deadlifting dad of three, working from Atlanta. When he's not chasing his three kids around, you'll find him trying to understand systems, risk, and human behavior.

2 replies on “Noah explores Newfoundland in his KSO Five Fingers”

hahah. I don’t know Julie & Ellie! 🙂

I havent decided that yet.
I am pretty sure I’ll be running in my new balance racing flats.

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