Teva is coming around and meeting me somewhere in the middle with their release of the Teva Zilch sandals. While I love my huaraches, I’m still willing to experiment so I purchased a pair of Zilch sandals to see how they perform as running sandals.

Teva is coming around and meeting me somewhere in the middle with their release of the Teva Zilch sandals. While I love my huaraches, I’m still willing to experiment so I purchased a pair of Zilch sandals to see how they perform as running sandals.
The FiveFingers Speed is Coming to the U.S. any day now!Hallelujah!The Vibram FiveFingers Speed a.k.a. the retro-styled, laced-up, limited-release Vibram toe shoes are finally about to be available at large, here in the United States, for purchas…
Two weeks ago, I won second place in the 35K division of the Santa Barbara Endurance Race, wearing Soft Star’s new minimalist running moccasin, the RunAmoc Dash, scheduled to be released near Memorial Day. [Insert “Intro.jpg” photo here, titled “Soft…
On May 18, 2011, ex-MSNBC news personality Keith Olbermann appeared on The Late Show with David Letterman — his first television appearance since his exit from MSNBC on January 21, 2011.Though the interview with Letterman is more about Olberman…
How did you get into minimalist footwear? In Feb 2009 I was talking with a friend after he read the article “You Walk Wrong” and he explained something to me that I had never heard or understood in my entire life up until that point. He explained tha…
1,250 miles later: VFF Sprints & BikilasOver the last two racing seasons, I’ve used Vibram Five Fingers Sprints and Bikilas in training and racing a number of events ranging from 5K running races and sprint triathlons to half marathons, marathons,…
U.S. Army Special Forces in Vibram Five FingersAfter the success of the Bin Laden mission, NPR ran a story reporting that a dog may have been part of the raid. While there has been a lot of buzz about the dog having titanium teeth, it didn’t take long…
Injinji Toe SocksThe new No-Show Performance Lightweight Toesock from Injinji will be available starting in May. Similar socks, previously known as the “Micro Liner”, came in a crew and mini-crew lengths.The TestInjinji sent me a pair and I dec…
Sprinting, Cutting, Weight Lifting and How the KomodoSport Stacks Up Against Other FiveFingers (KomodoSport vs. KSO, Bikila, TrekSport)BirthdayShoes first reported on the Vibram FiveFingers KomodoSport (say that five times fast!) in Fall of 2010 with o…
Saucony HattoriThe Saucony Hattori is a very minimalist running shoe expected to be available from Saucony on May 15th. Other retailers may have them as soon as May 1st. Saucony sent us a pre-release pair of the Hattoris to test, so I did a 4 mile ru…