One of the first discussions on the forum was on perhaps the most widespread problem with Vibram Five Fingers — they can develop quite a stench, “VFF Stank,” or Vibram funk. It’s enough that VFF fans so afflicted with smelly Vibr…

One of the first discussions on the forum was on perhaps the most widespread problem with Vibram Five Fingers — they can develop quite a stench, “VFF Stank,” or Vibram funk. It’s enough that VFF fans so afflicted with smelly Vibr…
We recently interviewed Irish Mountain Running Champion Moire O’Sullivan. She loves running up and down mountains and writing about it all once she gets home. She started out mountain running in Ireland, where she became Ireland’s 2007 and 2008 Mountain…
Photos and a video unboxing of the new Vibram Five Fingers Bikila in the Sky Blue, Yellow and Grey style. The Bikila is the new barefoot running shoe by Vibram designed specifically for runners. It is a new contender in the minimalist running scene!
I’ve got great news (at long last!) for everyone in the Vibram Five Fingers nation! CitySports just got a ton of Vibram Five Fingers Bikilas for both men and women! women’s Vibram Five Fingers Bikila — Grey and Green (pic) women’s Vibram…
Uh..perhaps we should explain. Australian Vibram Five Fingers fan, Alex, is a bowler for the Tokyo Wombats Cricket Club. He recently gave his Sprints a try on the cricket field. (Alex was previously seen on BirthdayShoes running in Japan wearing his Spri…
In the video, Our Wedding Day, Micah and Tawny couldn’t decide whether Micha should wear his Vibram Five Fingers in their wedding this past January. Did he wear them? We will try to find out and let you know in next weeks Link Love. In the meantime, tell…
Mike comments on his trip to Ireland and how he found out about Vibram Five Fingers:I just got back from a week in Ireland on March 20th. I enthralled the Irish populace with my “cool slippers”. From Dublin to Ballinskelligs, they were a hit, rain…
Ironman runner, Tim, was lucky enough to land a pair of red and white Vibram Five Fingers Bikilas and take ’em out for a 13 mile spin. Tim reports on how it transpired:I ended up having a friend (Thanks Rob!) who lives in Boston pick them up at Cit…
As the debate rages on about the capabilities of Vibram Five Fingers, we found one Vibram Five Fingers fan, Aubrey, who hasn’t found much that can’t be done in them:What do I do with my Vibrams??? EVERYTHING!! Work Run Rock climb Swi…
Andréa Maria Cecil (Follow her on twitter @andreacecil) recently participated in a Tough Mudder race at Bear Creek Mountain Resort near Allentown, Pa. She shared this narrative about her experience with us: