Post-run Headstand Leg Drains with Jawa

Jawa sent in the above photos taken after a seven mile run in Diamond Bar, California (You might rec

Jawa sent in the above photos taken after a seven mile run in Diamond Bar, California (You might recall Dr. Jawa teaches mechanical engineering in his black KSO VFFs!). As you can see, Jawa is doing a post-run headstand, pointing his blue camo-clad fivefinger KSOs up towards a beautiful blue sky.

Why headstands? Glad you asked! Here’s Jawa:

Hello Justin,

After a long run, it is good to do a leg drain. In my opinion there is no better way to do a leg drain than performing the famous Yogic posture Headstand, also known as King of all Asanas (postures). The main purpose of the headstand is to energize the whole body. Out of the 12 asanas, headstand is the first and considered the most powerful.

In the past I was unable to do a headstand with regular running shoes easily. Doing a headstand with Vibram is smooth and easy just like doing it barefoot.

I use my blue KSOs for daily street running. I do a two to three minutes headstand after each run. These pictures were taken after a 7 mile run in Diamond bar, California.



Though it’s often mentioned that VFFers are using their fivefingers for yoga and running separately, I think this is the first-time I’ve heard of the two being mixed.

Good information to have! Thanks, Jawa!

By Justin

Justin Owings is a deadlifting dad of three, working from Atlanta. When he's not chasing his three kids around, you'll find him trying to understand systems, risk, and human behavior.

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