Seret runs a Marathon in VFF Sprints and Surfs Mud while trail running in her KSOs!

Hi Justin I can't believe it's almost eight months since I first bought my KSOs. In that time I've completed two marathons. One in June (which I ran in my old trainers) and one in December in my new Sprints! My finish time improved by 30 minutes.…

Seret runs a Marathon in VFF Sprints and Surfs Mud while trail running in her KSOs!

Hi Justin

I can't believe it's almost eight months since I first bought my KSOs. In that time I've completed two marathons. One in June (which I ran in my old trainers) and one in December in my new Sprints! My finish time improved by 30 minutes.

My husband continues to wear his blue KSOs during strength training and also while out & about. He was able to get the KSO Treks when I purchased my Sprints in Northern Washington. I am so very jealous.

Although it's wet and muddy here I continue to run the local trails. While I'm anxious for the smaller sized Treks to come out next year I am proud to say - I've slipped down hill in the mud a few times but have yet to fall. It's almost like surfing down the mud!

Wearing FiveFingers has improved my balance for sure. I love these shoes!

Keep up the great site!

We've seen Seret and her husband donning matching KSOs before (here).  It is good to see they are both still putting them their VFFs to good use.  Congrats on your marathon time!

Anyone else experienced "mud surfing" in their KSOs?  I distinctly remember a major mud bust while trail running here in Atlanta in my KSOs.  The Treks have fared better though.

Thanks for sharing, Seret!