Shooting Clay Pigeons in Five Fingers with the Texas Governor

We can add shooting to the list of things people do in their Vibram Five Fingers! Robbie sent us his story about a recent trip to the shooting range with Texas Governor, Rick Perry. Read about it after the jump.Robbie's Trek Sports give him firm fo…

Shooting Clay Pigeons in  Five Fingers with the Texas Governor

We can add shooting to the list of things people do in their Vibram Five Fingers! Robbie sent us his story about a recent trip to the shooting range with Texas Governor, Rick Perry. Read about it after the jump.

Robbie's Trek Sports give him firm footing as he takes aim at his target.Last Friday I had the opportunity to go shoot sporting clays with Texas Governor Rick Perry at a private hunting ranch in Liberty Hill, TX.

I knew the area would be hilly and rocky, with a lot of hiking between shooting stations. Additionally, having a solid and balanced stand is essential to shooting sporting clays.

Which means that I knew my new KSO Trek Sports would be the ideal footwear for a little competitive shooting in the Texas Hill Country.

If you've never shot sporting clays before, it's a lot like playing golf, with shotguns. Each shooting station presents a pair of clay pigeons thrown from various heights, directions, and trajectories, and you have two shells in your shotgun to shoot down each target. You typically shoot each pair of clays 3-4 times, and score the number of "killed" targets.

I had a lot of interesting comments and subsequent conversations with people about my shoes --- to include Gov. Rick Perry. When Gov. Perry first noticed my shoes, he was sitting on a bench waiting his turn to shoot, and looked down and said, "Whoa --- what the heck is on your feet? Oh, I've heard about those...are they comfortable?"

Gov. Perry asked me to sit down and tell him more about my toe shoes. He even asked me to take one off so he could examine it more closely. For those that don't know, Gov. Perry is an avid and very good runner, often competing (at a fairly competitive level) in local 5 and 10k races. He said, "I could never run in those because I need more cushioning." To which I responded, "No you don't."

Anyhow, I gave him my 2-minute testimonial on how VFFs have changed my life and enabled me to start living free from the knee pain that has plagued and hindered me for the last 10 years. He said the wanted to get a pair to give 'em a try in his running.

As for the shooting, the Trek Sports were perfect for hiking the rocky terrain, and the balance while setting up and shooting was remarkable. So add, shooting clay pigeons with the Governor of Texas as something else you can do in your VFFs.

Great story Robbie! It's good to hear that Governor Perry was interested in your Five Fingers. I wonder how they would go over on the campaign trail? I am pretty sure they would fit in just fine in Austin.

Read more about Robbie's outing at his Urban Grounds blog.