Stef in Dubai passed on the above photo and had this to say about her black KSO VFFs:
The best shoes for a day of dune bashing and sand boarding. The locals seem to love them as well. 🙂
Hopefully, the KSOs are doing their job and keeping sand out!
Note: I have no idea what dune bashing is!
One reply on “Stef Dune Bashing and Sand Boarding in Dubai in KSOs”
Dune bashing is driving up and down steeeeeeep sand dunes in some kind of motorized vehicle — everything from GMC Yukons to golf carts with makeshift roll cages.
I too wonder how good the KSOs are at Keeping Sand Out! The first/only time I went sandboarding I f#&%ed it up and ended up with about a pound of sand in my shoes.