Stretch your toes in Moc Vibram Five Fingers! Trevor talks about his growing collection of VFFs.

Trevor provides a Vibram Five Fingers user review/experience covering his Mocs, KSO Treks, Flows, and Classic VFFs.

Trevor (a.k.a. “CamoFlows” on the forums) sent in the above photos of his black Vibram Five Fingers Mocs — you gotta love the quintessential toe-stretch photo! The Mocs are just one of his growing collection — Trevor has Flows, KSO Treks, and Classic Vibram Five Fingers, too. Here’s what he has to say about his collection and what he’s doing (or will be doing) in them:

I originally found the FiveFingers back in 2007, in a Rock Climbing magazine. I was intrigued but I completely forgot about them until something made me think of them back in November this last year.

I first bought some grey/camo Flows because I couldn’t find any KSO‘s, but I still had to have some sort of Vibram footwear.

I bought the next pair (Black KSO Treks) just before Christmas. Those things are awesome.

For Christmas, I bought myself some brown/tan Classics. And just a few weeks ago I bought the Mocs as my local dealer finally got the kangaroo clad pieces in stock.

Since I live in Northern Utah, and I have only had all these through this winter, I haven’t had much opportunity to do a lot of barefoot outdoor activities. Even in the cold and snowy climate, I wear these everyday. I picked up SlackLining and have been looking forward to walking the line in VFF’s.

Even though the Flows are probably the warmest of my bunch, I wear the Classics out and about more than any other. The Treks are a close second though. I wear the Flows when I’m going to be in a situation where I might have to walk through the snow or when I’m going to be outside in the cold for extended periods of time. The Mocs were intentionally purchased as basically that, a moccasin. When I’m going to be lounging around home, I’m wearing the Mocs. In fact, even when I have something to go do outside, I was usually in my Mocs before and just have to change into one of my other pairs.

I’m not lucky enough to wear any of them at work, unfortunately, as I’m a machinist — I have to force myself to wear “real” shoes. Haha. When the weather warms up, I’ll be able to do more in them. I have been running in my Classics every morning on my treadmill, but haven’t worked into just going barefoot. I’m not ready enough to do that outside, so the Classics and Flows will be put more to use until then.


Sounds like you’ve got your work cut out for your VFFs, Trevor! I’m like you: I find I wear my Classics the most, though they have been getting a bit of the shaft lately with the cold.

I also see from your photos that you’ve cut your jeans at the bottom. I’ve done that with a few of my more casual pairs, too; I find that they lay down much better over my VFFs that way.

As for being ready to go barefoot running, you might surprise yourself. Regardless, here’s to warmer times and more outside activities in your Five Fingers!

5 replies on “Stretch your toes in Moc Vibram Five Fingers! Trevor talks about his growing collection of VFFs.”

I’m gradually working on my hamstring flexibility, but I’m not quite there yet. Being able to do that kind of stretch (as in the photo) is one of my goals, and inspirations. 😀

Seriously, I am going to channel your picture, my man! LOL! My toes are the WORST!! I’m new on the VFF block, have had my Classics for a week and I’m still working out the best technique to throw them on. 🙂

Forget thinking about a happy place…I’m going to think about that picture! LOL!

Haha, thanks guys. It was a tough stretch there but its getting easier. I can now, (and have been able to for some time), put on my Classics and Mocs without any help from my other ten fingers. Haha. I can put on my Flows and Treks without any help up in the toes but I do have to have a hand to pull them up on.

Looks like the MOC has entirely disappeared from the VFF site. First the blue vanished, leaving only the black. Now the MOC cannot be found at all. will redirect you to the home page.

I am glad I have a pair (the rare blue apparently) but they have limited appeal. I usually find in situations where I would wear them, I might as well go barefoot. Travel is the only exception and I love them for that.

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