Max hits the Zoo in Black KSO Vibram Five Fingers

Max sent in the above photos taken at the Indianapolis zoo:Me and my fivefingers at the Indianapol

John Strolls around a Bazaar in Afghanistan in his KSO Vibram Five Fingers

The dirt “moon dust” is kept out pretty well with a combination of KSO and Injinji socks. Usually b

Ben and M-Cheezy Hiking Upstate New York in KSO Vibram Five Fingers

Ben emailed me about a post he did on his recent 8.6 mile hike up and down seven peaks at Harriman H

Running San Pedro River Valley in FiveFinger KSOs

In the mailbag from “T” comes an account of finding a renewed ability to run painlessly across rugge

Mountain Biking in Austin in Vibram Five Fingers KSOs

Lou continues to put his KSOs (and photography skills!) to good use: this time with a friend along t

Piz Vacations in Canada in his black KSO Vibram FiveFingers

The above photos are of “Piz” showing off his black KSO Vibram fivefingers on his two week vacation

A day of fun with Sonia at the Harley Party and Sands Casino as seen through black KSO VFFs

Above is a montage of photos sent in from Sonia who continues to enjoy her newfound foot freedom:

Adam takes his fivefinger KSOs to the Cowboys Monday Night Football Game

In the mailbag this evening comes photos from last night’s Cowboys game a la black Vibram fivefinger

College Football in black KSO 5 Fingers

Sonia sent in the above photo taken last week’s Penn State Vs. Temple game. Sonia is sporting her n

Alan’s first half-marathon in his fivefinger KSOs

Alan Thwaits photoed above before a recent 10-K he ran in his black KSO fivefingersAlan Thwaits,