Two sisters take a Vibram Five Fingers Road Trip

Ellyn sent in the above photos taken on a “VFF Road Trip” with her sister. Ellyn wrote: This s

Shawn’s 25 pairs of Vibram Five Fingers: Collect the Whole Set!

Shawn is quite possibly the biggest Vibram Five Fingers fan I’ve encountered so far as he has a whopping twenty-five pairs of Vibrams!

Alika’s Classic Vibram Five Fingers in Oahu, Hawaii

Alika sent in the above photo taken overlooking the ocean in VFF-view. Alika noted that this was hi

FiveFingers and Tom Otterness sculptures on the Subway in NYC

Kristy sent in the above photo showing her black Classic FiveFingers-clad feet next to part of Tom O

Classic, KSO, and Sprint FiveFingers Reloaded: New Colors for 2010 (or sooner in some cases)

Most of the FiveFingers buzz tends to center around the new KSO Trek, Moc, and Performa, not to ment

Hieu Hiking Mt. Baldy in Classic FiveFingers

In the mailbag comes the above photos and note below from Hieu who recently hiked Mt. Baldy in Calif

Allan “Survives” a Race through Edinburgh, Scotland in VFF Classics

In the mailbag this week comes an email from VFFer Allan who recently partook in a very unusual 10K

Matching Classic FiveFingers: Galya and Roland’s new Kicks

In the mailbag came a “couples” photo; Galya and Roland are in love with their new black Classic Fiv

Paul Both’s Run for Liberty: Training to Run Across America in FiveFingers

I’ve recently had the opportunity to learn about Paul Both — a musician and sound engineer “wi

Shawn Shows off the new black and orange KSO fivefingers (And his black classics)

The picture was taken of my V5F KSO(blk/orange/gray awesome color!) when I was just leaving the gym