The Definitive Guide to Cleaning Vibram Five Fingers a.k.a. How to Get the Smell out of your Vibrams!

One of the first discussions on the forum was on perhaps the most widespread problem with Vibram Five Fingers — they can develop quite a stench, “VFF Stank,” or Vibram funk. It’s enough that VFF fans so afflicted with smelly Vibr…

Got Morton’s Toe? Lengthen your Vibram Five Fingers’ Second Toe with this Mod

How to modify your Vibram Five Fingers to accomodate a long second toe — also known as Morton’s Toe. A permanent modification to your Vibrams that stretches the second toe!

Vibram Five Fingers Fan Stories — a list of everything fans are doing in their Vibrams!

A full listing of Vibram Five Fingers fan user stories as documented through photos and firsthand accounts on If you think about it, chances are it’s been done in Vibrams!

The Guide to Spotting Fake/Counterfeit Vibram Five Fingers

I have some bad news: there are Fake, non-Vibram Five Fingers at large masquerading as our favorite five-toed shoes. These pirated copies are duping would-be VFF fans into buying low quality, black market goods, sometimes at pretty high prices. Buy…

How to Transition to Running in Vibram Five Fingers — Let Your Skin be the Guide!

Pro-tip — Before you take off in your brand new Vibram Five Fingers, seriously consider going barefoot first. Build stronger feet and diminish your risk of injury. Chances are you’ve just purchased your first pair of Five Fingers, or are conside…

Pants on the Ground? A cheap and quick fix to stop jeans from dragging behind your heels while wearing Vibram Five Fingers and other Minimalist Shoes.

A quick fix/minimalist shoe or Vibram Five Fingers hack to keep the hem of your pants from dragging on the ground behind your heel, a common problem when you take away the heel as is the case with most barefoot-style shoes.

An Introduction to ChiRunning®A Natural Running Form

An introduction to ChiRunning, a natural running method that be used in conjunction with minimalist or barefoot running, written by Certified ChiRunning instructor David Stretanski.

Cut the Cord – Vibram Five Fingers Classics Strap Removal [modification]

Some have wondered how a pair of Classic Vibram Five Fingers would function if you removed the elastic bungee cord strap that cinches behind the heel — is it possible? Advisable? Will the Classic Vibrams stay on your feet? Learn more about this permanent modification to your Classics Vibram Five Fingers!

Vibram Five Fingers Reviews ’round the Web

A comprehensive list of Vibram Five Fingers reviews gathered from around the internet including reviews on Classic, Sprint, KSO (Keep Stuff Out), Flow, KSO Trek, Moc, and Performa reviews.

Barefoot Running Ultramarathons: Possible? Of course!

Jason Robillard discusses the advantages (and disadvantages) to barefoot running (or minimalist shoes running) an ultramarathon — things like moisture control, proprioception, and injury prevention!