The Anti-Shoe Infomercial

I’m glad someone finally did this — created a commercial for the foot! After all, it’s got all the bells and whistles you need, it’s sold at a rock bottom price (free!), and lasts you a lifetime. Your bare foot — the anti-shoe!

From the…

I’m glad someone finally did this — created a commercial for the foot! After all, it’s got all the bells and whistles you need, it’s sold at a rock bottom price (free!), and lasts you a lifetime. Your bare foot — the anti-shoe!

From the clip, the “anti-shoe” is:

  • Anti-shoe is not $100, it’s not $50, it’s not $20 either. It does not even cost you $1. Anti-shoe is yours, free!
  • It makes going out to walk, run, drive anywhere a snap!
  • No more back pain, very comfortable!
  • Anti-shoe is perfectly legal so don’t be fooled!
  • Using anti-shoe increases you awareness and helps you avoid dangerous hazards and costly medical bills just because you know where you’re stepping!

Watch it (and share the word!) after the jump!

The anti-shoe looks almost too good to be true. Anyone have a pair they’d like to review for the rest of us?

By Justin

Justin Owings is a deadlifting dad of three, working from Atlanta. When he's not chasing his three kids around, you'll find him trying to understand systems, risk, and human behavior.

7 replies on “The Anti-Shoe Infomercial”

Haha, thats really good! It’s funny but the message is definitely there. When i tell people how much I run and in “those weird toe-shoes” they ask how i’m not injured. They have a hard time believing that the Fivefingers ARE the reason I haven’t been injured. Still trying to convert the world, one person at a time. Spread the gospel of the toe-shoes my friends 🙂

haha I posted this in the forum last week. I first saw it over on the Runners’ World Barefoot Running forum.

Haha- I became very anxious at the start of this video thinking it was going to be another shoe I would just HAVE to buy! Then I giggled a lot.

Awesome commercial, Great job!

Cute video, but I’m actually not much of a fan of going purely barefoot, at least where I live (Boston). Too cold, too dirty, too many pointy things everywhere, and (let’s face it) too much unwanted attention. Still, nice infomercial spoof.

I have the anit-shoe and I love it! I totaly recomend it to anyone who is interested. But seriously, I do love being barefoot. Until I got promoted I was a footwear salesman at an outdoor store, and I have seen some feet. When you look at the feet of other people who wear flip flops or no shoes at all compared to those who wear shoes or high heels all the time, the difference is amazing. People should not wear shoes whenever possible. This infomercial is totaly right.

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