Feeling lucky? Vibram Five Fingers Bikila Giveaway — Sponsored by City Sports!

Enter into the contest to win a free pair of the brand new Vibram Five Fingers Bikila from City Sports!

Feeling lucky? Vibram Five Fingers Bikila Giveaway — Sponsored by City Sports!

I am excited to announce that City Sports is sponsoring the first official BirthdayShoes.com contest — a giveaway of a pair of the new "barefoot running shoe" designed specifically for runners — the Vibram Five Fingers Bikila!


The contest has ended!  Winner will be contacted by email!

City Sports Vibram Five Fingers Bikila Giveaway Contest Rules

The contest winner will be selected at random from the pool of BirthdayShoes.com email subscribers as it stands at the contest's end.  The contest's end will coincide with an announcement that City Sports has the Vibram Five Fingers Bikila available for purchase online.  This is expected to be sometime in April — though as readers already know, the actual release date of the Bikila remains uncertain.

All existing, active email subscribers prior to this contest announcement are automatically entered into the drawing so long as they are still subscribed by email as of the contest's end.  If you aren't yet subscribing to BirthdayShoes by email, in order to enter into the drawing, simply sign up for an email subscription to the BirthdayShoes blog feed and be sure to activate your subscription! The confirmation email sometimes gets hung up in email client spamtraps, so keep an eye out for it (it should arrive somewhat instantaneously)!  Email subscription is free and your email will not be sold to third parties!

The randomly selected winner of the giveaway contest will get a free pair of the Vibram Five Fingers Bikila provided by City Sports!

Been hunting for the new 2010 Vibram colors?

The new KSO and Classic Vibram Five Fingers color combinations are available to buy at City Sports!

Been trying to get your feet into a pair of the new VFF KSO or Classic colors?  You're in luck.  City Sports has just today (St. Patrick's Day) had their Vibram Five Fingers stock replenished.  Specifically, they now have the brand new black, grey, camouflage KSO Vibram Five Fingers for men (get them here), the Castlerock grey and green Classic Vibram Five Fingers for men (get them here) and the Stormy Sea Classic Five Fingers (get them here) available for purchase.  Also, if you've been looking for black KSO Vibram Five Fingers, they just got a shipment of those in, too — get the men's or women's.

Let me end by saying "thank you" to City Sports for sponsoring this VFF giveaway and supporting the Vibram Five Fingers fan community!

Now subscribe and enter the Bikila Giveaway contest already!