Vibram FiveFingers Fans Through Different Eyes

Vibram recently posted on their Facebook fan page their take on a popular internet meme — how people see me. You know, typically a six pane knockdown around misconceptions about things you do, your job, etc. It's constructed by taking You can se…

Vibram FiveFingers Fans Through Different Eyes

Vibram recently posted on their Facebook fan page their take on a popular internet meme — how people see me.  You know, typically a six pane knockdown around misconceptions about things you do, your job, etc.  It's constructed by taking some popular archetypes — society, friends, parents, coworkers, whatever — and simplifying how they must view you.  It's almost always hilarious because it really captures the difference between how things appear to outsiders versus how things really are to insiders.  Anyway, you can see Vibram's take on the "how you see me" meme — it's pretty hilariously accurate, I think.

However, I think Vibram is being too nice in their "reality" pane and besides, not everyone into toe shoes is a runner, right?  I thought I might do better and like any good Internet denizen, I decided to riff on their "Vibram FiveFingers fan 'How you see me'" by completing it with my own "reality" pane — one that, I think, gets at something most toe shoe fans know firsthand — something that you're very unlikely to bring up when you're pitching the shoes to your friends and family!

What do you think?

How would you complete this picture?  If you want to do your own take, email it to me and I'll share it below AND I'll send you a free sticker (You just have to send it in  by Monday, Feb. 20 at 5pm to get the sticker!).

Additional submissions after the jump!