VIVO BAREFOOTS up to 50% off (Again!)

If you'll recall a few weeks back TheClymb, which is a flash sale/group buying membership-only site, featured a sale on VIVO BAREFOOTS where you could get Evos, Neos, Jazz, Venus, and more on sale at up to 50% off (or more). It was a sweet deal on "the…

VIVO BAREFOOTS up to 50% off (Again!)

If you'll recall a few weeks back TheClymb, which is a flash sale/group buying membership-only site, featured a sale on VIVO BAREFOOTS where you could get Evos, Neos, Jazz, Venus, and more on sale at up to 50% off (or more).  It was a sweet deal on "the original" barefoot shoes (VIVO BAREFOOTS — and yes, all caps is apparently how you're supposed to type their name — shout it!).

Well, today, another flash sales site — LeftLane Sports — has a slew of VIVOs on sale — over 60% in some cases.  Getting your deal on with LeftLane is the same as with TheClymb: you have to get invited by a member.  Fortunately, membership is free and here's my invitation to you: join LeftLane Sports and hook up some VIVO BAREFOOTS at a price is shockingly reasonable.  Once you're a member, you'll get an email from time to time about deals they've got going on (like the VIVO sale).  You can unsubscribe at any time.

And by "shockingly reasonable," I'm talking about VIVO Oaks for $55 to $60 (normally they are $150!!) or Evos for $55 (normally $160!).  They've got offerings for both women and men, but as this is a "flash sale," inventory won't last long and sizes can be limited.  Go here (assuming you're already a member) to see all the VIVO BAREFOOTS on sale today (note: they're all in the mega collage above).  Note: for sizing information, head straight over to (sizing can vary by model).

Happy Friday!