Chris McDougall’s Naked Book Tour (Born to Run)

Over the next few months, author Christopher McDougall will be hosting the Naked Tour to coincide with the paperback release of his blockbuster book Born to Run. The cross country tour will include barefoot runs, demos and “cabarets”. These part seminar/…

Author Christopher McDougall is beginning a cross-country “Naked Tour” to coincide with the paperback release of his blockbuster book Born to Run.

The “Naked Tour” will include barefoot runs, demos and “cabarets”. These part seminar/part show cabarets will feature an impressive group of luminaries from the barefoot running community and of course give folks an opportunity to pick up copies of the best-selling book Born to Run. Dr. Daniel Lieberman, Scott Jurek, Lee Saxby and Luis โ€œEl Coyoteโ€ Escobar are just a few of the folks participating.

We’re huge fans of Chris McDougall and if you’re not already plugged into his blog, you should check it out. If you’re lucky enough to be within shouting distance of one of his naked tour events, definitely plug in and check it out!

Naked Tour Schedule

(Click for details at each location.)

Check out the Naked Tour page for new events and additional info.

And the Winner Is!

Congratulations to Chargrill for tweeting this post before the deadline. He is the winner of a signed copy of Born to Run, a Naked Tour t-shirt and stick on tattoo all compliments of “El Oso”.

By Britt

Hailing from College Station, Texas (Home to Texas A&M!), I grew up running cross country. Believe it or not, I gave Justin the name for this site back in early 2009 but I didn't jump on the toe shoes bandwagon until a year later. I am also really into quadcopters and drones and have a blog called

8 replies on “Chris McDougall’s Naked Book Tour (Born to Run)”

I heard about this already, but thanks for posting the complete schedule! I didn’t realize there would be so many other people besides McDougall. I heard McDougall and Lieberman speak in Boston before the marathon last year, and they are both really good. They come across very differently with regard to barefoot/minimal running – McDougall is very impassioned and pretty adamant about barefoot running being “better” than shod running, while Lieberman is very scientific and cautious in what he says (as any good scientist would be) and pretty much just tells you what the data is without making any value judgments about what you should or shouldn’t do. I’ll definitely be checking out either the 4/15 or 4/16 talk.

So excited to see that the tour is coming to MN! Hoping to make it and bring my boyfriend with too – we’re both runners and both enjoyed the book…what a cool thing to be able to meet Chris in person! Hope to see others of you there – let us know that you’re gonna be at the different gatherings!! ๐Ÿ™‚

That’s cool. A chance to see Jurek and McDougall would be great. They come to Fairhope, AL which is 50 minutes away from me, so I might have to go.

@Rich: Yes, you’re right about Lieberman and McDougall’s approaches. One is scientific and the other is based on his own personal experience. Science never proves anything, it just provides evidence for certain things which is why scientists take that standpoint.

Fairhope Alabama is in but Atlanta is out?

I guess ~5 million people in the metro area is not enough of a draw ๐Ÿ˜‰

@Bear: Yeah, I’m a bit surprised they’re coming to Fairhope, Ala too. Atlanta has much more runners. The “Hangout” which is the venue they are having it at is nice though and it’s on the beach so that’s a plus. It’s on a Tuesday so I am not sure if I can swing it, but I am going to try. Jurek and McDougall being there will be cool.

I would love to be at the one in Colorado! Looks like it’ll be awesome.
Too bad the closest to me will be Asheville… and that’s 5hrs away and the end of finals week. Boo ๐Ÿ™

Looking forward to the one in Boulder! Although I live on the western side of Colorado, I will still make the 4.5 hr drive to be there!

Saw a Boston T (local train) with ads for this tour all over the side. I think that makes it pretty mainstream!

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