Here’s an oft-heard frustration from would-be Vibram FiveFingers fans:
“I want to get the ‘barefoot feel’ of the FiveFingers, but my toes are [too long/too short/too crooked/downright uncooperative]. What other minimalist shoes could I wear that would feel the same?”
Unfortunately, the answer to this query has usually been, “You’re outta luck.” Of course, while there’s always the option of going
actually barefoot (something we tend to forget!), if you couldn’t do toe shoes, your next option was going to be something a lot stiffer-soled than what you get with a pair of Vibrams.
That is, pretty much, until the Altra Adam (or Eve for women) came out. I can’t go so far as to say that Altra Adam has replicated
the benefits of toe shoes in a traditional, mitten-like shoe, but the Altra Adam probably gets about as close as possible — surely as close as anyone to date.
And that’s what I’m reviewing today. Now that you’ve seen
Joey’s first look at the Altra Adam, it’s time for a full review. Read on!
Meet the Zero-Dropped Altra Adam
The Altra Adam simultaneously reminds me of a non-five-toed pair of
KSO FiveFingers, a pair of aqua shoes, and a pair of Chacos worn with socks. In short, it’s an odd looking shoe (and I’ll go into the aesthetic briefly later).
Before I dive into the design, take a look at what comes in the box — shoes, two different insoles to customize the cushioning/ground-feel/support, and a whole lot of instructions:

But lest you think the instructions are limited to the box itself, rest assured that there’s even more information in a booklet that comes with the Altra Adams. The short of it is that Altra really wants to get people off to the right start when it comes to moving naturally, and they realize that the temptation for most barefoot-style newbies (Into walking, running, or whatever) is to hit the ground running — when they should take it slowly. Shoes aren’t magic, after all, and if you’ve spent a few years or decades learning to move in shoes with elevated heels and a heap of cushioning, you’re assuredly going to have to rehabilitate your feet, your legs, and you nervous system (No joke). It takes time. Be patient.
Anyway, just check out all the literature you get in the box (some of it marketing material, of course):
Pretty impressive, no?
As far as those insoles are concerned, with the Altra Adam, there are three basic configurations:
While I applaud the customize-ability of these options, I can’t help but think that it’s a little overkill to include two insole options. For me, I opted for the thin foam sole in most of my testing (more on this later in function/feel).
Upper and straps — I mentioend that the Adams reminded of wearing
Chacos with socks because the straps, which are velcro and work to secure the fit, are in two places — one over the top of the foot and another that crisscrosses over the instep. Underneath these straps is a stretchy fabric and mesh that is incredibly reminiscent of the FiveFingers KSO: just contrast
the KSOs pictured here with the picture at the right. See?
Meanwhile, Altra has placed bits of sturdier, structure-giving fabric at key locations on the shoe: as a sling around the heel (also note the upper that wraps the heel has some padding to it to make it comfortable against your Achilles tendon), to bolster the upper strap, and in two pieces as a toe guard at the front of the shoe.
Sole — The Altra Adam’s sole features a five-toed pattern at the end and is, once again, reminiscent of
the original FiveFingers sole (that’s a pic of a pair of women’s KSOs). The sole of the Adam is basically smooth and comprised of a thin rubber with just a 1mm bit of EVA (With no footbeds the Adam is 4.4mm thick). The rubber sole part is just 3.4mm, which is .1 mm thinner than the most basic FiveFingers sole. The sole has no arch support and is neutral from heel to toe (It’s “Zero-drop”. As noted above, comes with various options for cushioning (essentially, zero, a little, and a little more).
Take a stroll around the Altra Adam via these photos:
Function and Barefoot Feel
I tested the Adams by walking around and doing “normal” stuff in them, including a few workouts (squats/dead lifts). You can learn a lot about a shoe by simply walking around in it — particularly if you’ve
(re-)learned to walk more naturally. The Altra Adam’s are great in that they are lightweight, neutral, and very flexible. This means that I don’t ever feel like my heel is “catching” the ground too soon in my stride; it also means that I feel extremely grounded with 250 lbs. on my back.
My most exacting testing of the Altra Adam came from
a hike up Kennesaw Mountain outside of Atlanta, completed with a 25 lb. two-year-old strapped to my back via a
Kelty 2.0 Child Carrier*. This is a somewhat rocky, fairly quick mile-long trail up the mountain — you ascend about 660 ft. over the mile up. Despite having a
sometimes flailing two-year old on my back, the Altra Adams kept me sure-footed; it’s often heard, “Don’t you need ankle support for hiking? You could twist your ankle in those.” Well, not in my experience — it seems that being close to the ground allows you to sense when your footing is shifting and adjust fast enough to avoid rolling an ankle. I’d say most hiking shoes need ankle support
because they are built to bomb over any obstacle without any thought.
Anyway, I was able to even do a few short bursts (say 25 yards at a time) of running
down the mountain with the toddler/pack on my back and I had zero issues and never felt unsafe. Mind, the Adams don’t have a very aggressive tread, so that is certainly something to consider if you plan on running trails in them, but overall, I was very pleased with my hiking experience in the Adam.
Overall ground feel — with or without the most minimal insole that is included — is excellent. It’s odd**, I’d still peg it as slightly less than KSO or Classic FiveFingers, but the Adams unquestionably provide more ground feel than you get with the Bikila-, Trek-, or KomodoSport-soled Vibrams. If you’re after ground feel in a pair of shoes, I’d say the Altra Adam is about as good as you can get*** — certainly the best I’ve tested to date in a pair of non-toe shoes.
Now if I had to pick on the Adams, I’d cite three things. First, the shoe just feels a little prototypical — as if it’s not quite the final product. Mind, the ones I tested are the final product. It’s just sort of an overall impression of the shoe that feels unrefined — almost like you’re looking at a model built purely to test out function, with the intention of cleaning it up in the final production. Note, I’d basically make the same complaint about the KSO as compared to virtually any of the more recent FiveFingers models.
Second, the strap over the front of the foot is a bit stiff and uncomfortable. I found it irritated my feet a bit and just nags at my consciousness saying, “Hey I’m here!”
Thankfully, I think these two complaints were in no way unique to my experience and Altra is releasing a considerably more refined product with their Samson (men’s) and Delilah (women’s) (will be testing these soon!). I think if you
take a quick peek at the Samson you’ll see what I mean almost instantly.
The third nit is both a complaint and a kudos. It has to do with the toe guard, which doubles as a toe catch. One issue I’ve had with non-toe shoes is that when you dorisflex (point toes skyward), the shoes don’t respond well. Awesomely, the Adam’s toe guard/catch does a pretty awesome job of catching a dorisflexed big toe on the way up, and in turn, lifting up the sole. The only problem is that sometimes it doesn’t work as well as others and my big toe doesn’t get caught by the guard, and just ends up pulling against the stretchier fabric of the upper (Compare these two photos
here and
here and notice how in the second, my big toe is pulling at the fabric at the front of the Adams, but it doesn’t in the first).
Ah one last thing about the insoles. My initial thought on the insoles was that I’d likely wear them with no insole at all. But what I found is that I actually find the Altra Adams to be considerably more comfortable with the most basic insole; for some reason, insoles removed entirely, the Adam feels incomplete and for some reason, the rubber sole curves up at the midfoot/metatarsels of my foot at an angle that annoys — but only when I don’t have the insole in place. Meanwhile, wearing one foot with and one foot without the insole, the ground feel really didn’t seem very different — so I just bypassed the sole angle issue entirely and kept the basic insole in.
Here are some photos of the Adams on my feet:
I’ll only touch on this briefly but something about the Adam
really reminds me of an aqua shoe. I suppose you could say the same about KSO FiveFingers. Well, I did sorta hint at the Adam being “KSO-Like” in the title of this review, right?
So the Adam looks a little aquatic; so what? Function over form, right? If you wear toe shoes regularly, you already adhere to this. Probably the only complaint you could make is that you’d like a shoe to look more like a shoe (Well, maybe the Samson solves that little problem, too — we’ll see!)
All in all if you’re after a barefoot-style function and feel in a shoe, the Altra Adam practically/protyptically nails it (and I’m excited to see the reload with the Samson!). It provides fantastic ground feel (virtually the best of any minimalist shoe out there) that will leave you surefooted and moving naturally with healthy biomechanics. It’s got some design imperfections, but Altra seems to be listening and if the above-mentioned concerns bother you, maybe
check out the Samson.
the Adam is going to set you back $80 but that’s with free shipping and free exchanges from Altra, which should allay sizing concerns. Altra says to size down if you plan to wear them without insoles, but my 10.5s (my normal shoe size) seem fine either way (actually I’d be worried about the insole-less spurred sole/metatarsel rubbing being worse if I sized down a half size).
Who else has the Altra Adam? What about the women’s Altra Eve? What do you think? Let’s hear it in the comments!

A view from the top of Kennesaw Mountain outside of Atlanta, Georgia.
Official Altra Adam Product Specs
From Altra’s product page for the Adam:
Product Features
Introducing the most versatile minimalist shoe ever created. Razor-siped soles grip onto nearly any surface from slick rock to a dusty trail. Included insoles, a breathable stretch fabric upper and secure-cinch strapping combine for incredible performance. And, with a foot-shaped design and the 3.4 mm BareSole™, The Adam™ is the closest anyone will ever be to barefoot while still wearing a shoe.
Foot Shaped
Gender Specific
Product Details
- Weight: 4.7 Ounces
- Foot Shaped Design: Male SD-1 Last
- 3.4mm Siped Performance Rubber BareSole Outsole
- NRS: Natural Ride System
- Breathable Stretch Upper with SecureCinch Strapping
- SeeNoSeam Stitch Free Footbed
- HeelClaw and A Wrap for Superior Fit
- A-bound Strengthen and Molded Support Insole
* Love
this thing and have two.
** Odd because the math should put the Adam ahead of the Classics with insole removed (.1mm thinner soled) and the KSOs have the same Classics sole but also have a 2mm EVA midsole. Anyway, the Adam’s ground feel is negligibly different than the KSO or Classic FiveFingers; my gut says I like the Classics/KSO feel slightly better (or rather, it’s slightly
more feel, but that’s just me).
*** I’d actually peg the
Soft Star Roos as being
more minimal but not so great for hiking given they’re almost too flexibly soled.
16 replies on “Altra Adam Review – A KSO-Like Shoe Sans Toes?”
I just got a pair of the adams on monday, and I am crazy about them. I love how Altra includes all this information about transitioning to minimalism and includes a support sole for those weening off. No other company does that.
So far, These are my favorite running shoes and almost my favorite casual. I absolutely love them!
PS: this company is all over the place nowa days! they are definitely sky rocketing up!
I have the Adam and reviewed it on my blog.
I have since cut away the the strap around the toes and now love the shoe!
Same here, I wrote a review for them last night, just an initial post
Nice! I might have to try a pair soon as well, perhaps will wait on the Samson. I know what you mean about the whole “feels like a prototype” vibe from the Altras. Feel that way about the Instinct and Lone Peak when I *look* at them, but when I’m running in them I hardly notice; the feel so great! Still, not too shabby for a company that’s only generated product for far less than a year!
I tried the Eve’s but couldn’t stand them. First pair, in what would seem to have been my usual size was too small. So, I went another half size up. Still, the overly-strappiness of the shoes felt too confining and structured for such a minimal shoe. I was hoping for a mono-toed KSO, but… they were not. Still, I’m hoping the new Delilahs are an improvement.
I love my Eves! They are so comfy and a great choice for when I want minimal KSO feel but want to look a little more casual and don’t want to stand out with my “toe shoes” on. I suggest sizing up. I went with my normal 7.5 and feel like the 8 is better.
I recently purchased a pair of Adams and got them yesterday. I am wearing them now for the first time. My immediate impression: They feel slightly tighter on the side, “thanks” to the front strap “eyelet” tabs or whatever they are called and the straps themselves. I don’t like the feel of the feel of the front strap at all. I wore thin socks this morning and took them off because the feeling of tightness was bothersome. I think Altra should have made it more minimalistic by keeping it to one strap. I’ve also noticed my sockless feet in the shoes are sweatier than times I go sockless in my various VFFs. I plan on running in my Adams over the weekend to see how my feet like the feel of them while doing that activity.
Just ordered some ~ cannot wait to try them! have used KSO’s but have had much discomfort with my right big toe I had to stop wearing them, I have always thought that if vibram had bought out a “open” toe area shoe I would have given them another go..Altra has beaten them to it! first past the post always wins in marketing.
was able to pick these up on sale for $40!!!!! great find, and great shoe to add to my growing arsenal.
I switched to zero drop shoes during the past 2 months. Ran in the Adam for the first time yesterday and liked them, but I have no other toe shoe experience to compare them to. Not quite as comfy as my Instincts, but I like them. Agree about the prototype look and feel. My only complaint is feeling a little insecure on steep downhill runs. I needed to tighten up the straps to keep from sliding forward into the toe guard.
Would these be a better option than the NB Minimus. I have a pair of the Adidas Adizero toe shoes and want to get away from the toes for all the reasons you specified. NB looked like the way to go until I heard of these. I tend to do a lot of obstacle/adventure/trail runs as opposed to road runs if that makes any difference.
I was wondering, if I wear a 42 in VFF, what is the equivalent size in the Adams? I’m not near a store that carries them so will likely order them online.
I’ve had my Adams for at least a year. I bought them one size larger than what I think to be my shoe size, in order to accommodate thick, wool, toe socks. This is a great shoe. No other company provides as much room for the big toe as Altra does.
I notice that some of the stitching inside the shoe is visible. Are these comfortable enough to wear sockless?
I know I am late to this review! I have been searching for an alternate to the Bikilas for awhile. And failing. The Adams seem to have the same problem my Merrill Trail Gloves have, and the same problem the Altra Lone Peaks have wrt the “toe dorsiflexion” issue. I actually am afraid my big toe nail will get flipped off sometime by getting caught on the material. I have a new pair of Altra Superiors, my toes now don’t “hang up”, however when my toes dorsiflex, I feel like now my shoes are too small even though I have plenty of length room. BTW, same thing with the Softstars. So I think I addicted myself to the individual toepockets on the Fivefingers and I can’t go back. Curious if I am alone.
Hiked the deep creek mountains to 8500 feet in my Adams for two days and they performed great. Lack of tread makes them a little slippery in loose granite sand, but they stick like glue to rocks and you can “grab” with your toes. Hopping across boulder fields was a pleasure and while hiking steep terrain full of sharp rocks, the sole never failed. I wear them as an everyday shoe and they pull on and stay on with a simple strap. Takes no time to get em on and go, yet they don’t feel loose or like I am missing something by not lacing up. I leave the lower strap loose enough to fit a pinky finger under and I don’t feel the strap as some reviewers have mentioned, unless I flex and load up my foot by side loading for example, and that strap provides excellent support when I need it. These are the most comfortable shoes I own. Yes people will ask “Why do you wear socks with your water shoes?” I just smile and tell them they are more than a water shoe. 5 stars- size seems small order a little bigger.