Chad's Thunder Road Marathon in KSO Treks

Got an update from Chad Randolph (twitter) who just ran the Thunder Road marathon in Charlotte in his KSO Treks (plus two layers of Injinji socks!).You might recall Chad shared his initial thoughts, which were mixed, on the KSO Treks here.Here's…

Chad's Thunder Road Marathon in KSO Treks

Got an update from Chad Randolph (@chad_randolph on twitter) who just ran the Thunder Road marathon in Charlotte in his KSO Treks (plus two layers of Injinji socks!).

You might recall Chad shared his initial thoughts, which were mixed, on the KSO Treks here.

Here's what Chad had to say about the run and how his Treks performed:

Hello Justin,

You may recall from my last dispatch that I had mixed feelings regarding the performance of my new Vibram Fivefinger Treks.  I felt that while they performed well on roads and simple trails they didn't hold up well on technical single track.

I'm pleased to say that they have redeemed themselves, though in a way in which was unexpected.

Since I had worn a hole in my KSOs I was now using my Treks for all my running, which has been 50-60 miles per week.  So when my next marathon came around I had to decide whether or not to roll with them in the race.

Charlotte's Thunder Road marathon took place on Saturday, Dec. 12th under overcast and cold conditions.  The temperature was in the mid-20's at the start and never really got over 40 degrees.  I was concerned about frostbite on my feet and toes; it's one thing to run in the cold for a little bit but another thing entirely to spend nearly four hours outside wearing thin footwear.  So I decided to wear two pair of Injinji socks and hope for the best.

I'll spare you the details of the race other than to say that I felt great for the duration and didn't have any issues with my feet.  The added thickness of the Treks made the asphalt and concrete roads a non-issue, and the kangaroo leather coupled with the double socks kept my feet warm.

I ended up with a chip time of 3:35:38, which isn't spectacular but it's my fastest of eight marathons over the past three years.  I fielded a number of questions about my Vibram Fivefinger Treks during the first few miles of the race (as well as overhearing nearby runners making incredulous comments).

Next big race on my agenda will combine the best of both on- and off-road running, a 50k in January 2010, and I plan on wearing my new best friends, the Treks.

Chad Randolph

Congratulations on your excellent time, Chad!  And thanks for sharing your additional thoughts on the KSO Trek.  It's good to know the Treks preform well on and off the road, and that the added thickness counts for something in cold weather conditions!

Chad has previously been seen on BirthdayShoes here, here, and here.