Chris McDougall's Naked Book Tour (Born to Run)

Over the next few months, author Christopher McDougall will be hosting the Naked Tour to coincide with the paperback release of his blockbuster book Born to Run. The cross country tour will include barefoot runs, demos and "cabarets". These part seminar/…

Chris McDougall's Naked Book Tour (Born to Run)

Author Christopher McDougall is beginning a cross-country "Naked Tour" to coincide with the paperback release of his blockbuster book Born to Run.

The "Naked Tour" will include barefoot runs, demos and "cabarets". These part seminar/part show cabarets will feature an impressive group of luminaries from the barefoot running community and of course give folks an opportunity to pick up copies of the best-selling book Born to Run. Dr. Daniel Lieberman, Scott Jurek, Lee Saxby and Luis “El Coyote” Escobar are just a few of the folks participating.

We're huge fans of Chris McDougall and if you're not already plugged into his blog, you should check it out.  If you're lucky enough to be within shouting distance of one of his naked tour events, definitely plug in and check it out!

Naked Tour Schedule

(Click for details at each location.)

Check out the Naked Tour page for new events and additional info.

And the Winner Is!

Congratulations to Chargrill for tweeting this post before the deadline. He is the winner of a signed copy of Born to Run, a Naked Tour t-shirt and stick on tattoo all compliments of "El Oso".