FiveFingers for Dancing the Night Away at Senior Prom

Spencer writes in about his recent senior prom experience in Vibram FiveFingers!Me and my Girlfriend’s family all love FiveFingers! I have two pairs, Black VFF’s and Gray/green Bikila’s. We wear them everyday! This year for my senior prom at Gran…

Spencer writes in about his recent senior prom experience in Vibram FiveFingers!

Me and my Girlfriend’s family all love FiveFingers! I have two pairs, Black KSO VFF‘s and Gray/green Bikila’s. We wear them everyday!

This year for my senior prom at Grants Pass High School in Grants Pass Oregon. My Girlfriend and I decided to wear our VFF’s (KSO’s and Treksports)! We had a blast, answering people questions and dancing the night away in out Vibram’s. Most people already know me at school as the “Toe Shoe guy”. We are a walking commercial.

Everywhere I go (as you know) I get questions from A-Z about my shoes. Now I know of 5 people that have got them at our school after they saw mine! I have had nothing but good experiences in them! I run in them, hike in them, jet boat in them, and have even played my trumpet for thousands of people in them! Anyway I thought this was a cool unique way of showing our VFF support and wanted to share our story!

Way to both support your love of toe shoes and have comfortable feet in lieu of ramming those toes in patent leather shoes! Looking good you two — thanks for sharing!

By Justin

Justin Owings is a deadlifting dad of three, working from Atlanta. When he's not chasing his three kids around, you'll find him trying to understand systems, risk, and human behavior.

8 replies on “FiveFingers for Dancing the Night Away at Senior Prom”

You two look great! I bet you had the most comfortable shoes on at the prom. Good for you! My son is getting married next Friday and I promised him I wouldn’t wear my Treks!

If I would of had vibrams 1st semester last year I so would of worn them to play tpt in marching band lol

The five finger’s look perfectly fine with his outfit. They are much less drastic a change from proper formal attire than the blue shirt and striped tie are!

Gah!!!! This is the downside to finding out about Vibrams late in the game… Wearing them for marching band would have been AMAZING. Instead, I was ignorant and stuck with the dreaded Dickies for 8 long years… Sigh. I’m glad you were smart and figured it out! I’m sure your feet are thanking you 😉

I have been wanting to get the vibram 5 fingers for over a year now and yesterday I finally set out to buy a pair. I am planning on wearing them for walking the dogs (about 3 hours every day) and also for running (I do about 6-8 miles avaery other day). I tried on the classic and another type I cannot recall the name of but recommended for running (comes with a strap). At first it was hard to squeeze all my toes in the right compartment :)) but then, walking around in the store, they felt pretty good. However, I couldn’t decide which size to buy. 39 seemed a little tight for my big toe but seemd ok for all the others, while size 40 seemed ok for the big toe but was pretty loose on many of the others and I just couldn’t decide if the tight ones would losen up enough to be more comfortable with wear and if the bigger size being too loose on some of the toes would pose problems while running. Unfortunately, the shop assistants could not help with any of these issues, since they have no experience with these type of shoes whatsoever.
I would welcome any suggestions, stories, ideas to help me pick the right size and the right type. 🙂 Thanks in advance.

My cousin met his wife when he was wearing VFf at church. She thought he was weird. A year later and they are getting married, him in black VFF and her in white VFF.

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