NYC Barefoot Run 2011 Recap

Had the fantastic opportunity to get up to New York City for the 2011 NYC Barefoot Run this past weekend. Special thanks to Merrell Barefoot for getting me up there — you want to talk about a company that cares about an authentic supporter of the…

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Saturday Night — Merrell Barefoot Party

Saturday night was full of wonderful speakers like Michael Sandler of RunBare, running coach Lee Saxby, Jason Robillard, Daniel Lieberman (more on him later), and, of course, Christopher McDougall. I managed to capture some video of Jason, Lee, and mostly Chris — if you’ve got about 20 minutes, you can listen to all three here:

I caught probably 90% of McDougall’s Q&A session in the above video before my memory card ran out (sorry!). Anyone else dying to know what McDougall’s got up his sleeve in early November? McDougall’s next book is the subject of a lot of interest, but his lips are completely sealed on the subject. I’ve got a hunch (that I’ll keep to myself) as to what it’ll be but for now we just have to wait. Also, sounds like the Born to Run movie will begin filming in 2012.

After his talk, I got to catch up with Christopher McDougall. Guy really is a giant (literally tall) and incredibly gracious as basically a celebrity.

As the night wore on, so did the free booze and I ultimately shared a cab back to the hotel with Tuck, the knowledgeable Curt Munson, and Chris and called it a night.

By Justin

Justin Owings is a deadlifting dad of three, working from Atlanta. When he's not chasing his three kids around, you'll find him trying to understand systems, risk, and human behavior.

7 replies on “NYC Barefoot Run 2011 Recap”

IT was awesome. Sorry I did not get to meet you Justin.

After meeting all the greats and making new friends I came back motivated to start up a Rhode Island Chapter.

MY previous PR was 13 miles, I came back and this week did a 16 then a glorious 26.2 miles in 4:14 all barefoot. Best part is no soreness, no issues other than the usual bit of tenderness on the soles.

Now 3 days later, I went out and did a nice 3 miler feeling great.

See you next year!

Barefootin’ the way we were meant to be…

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