NYC Barefoot Run 2011 Recap

Had the fantastic opportunity to get up to New York City for the 2011 NYC Barefoot Run this past weekend. Special thanks to Merrell Barefoot for getting me up there — you want to talk about a company that cares about an authentic supporter of the…

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Post-race wrap

Anyway, the race was great. I got to run alongside Mr. McDougall and John Durant while also making new friends like Harry from Manchester. What a blast!

After the race, everyone loitered about eating avocados (an unexpected post-race “hit” it seems), drank coconut water, and got to check out the various sponsors. I actually had the wherewithal to snap a few photos:

Shoes! Leftside are Merrell Barefoot shoes including some of the stuff coming in 2012. Top right and middle bottom are VIVO BAREFOOTS. Bottom right Injinji toe socks!

I’m wearing my 2012 Merrell Road Gloves (the orange pair you can barely see, top left photo in the collage, right side to the left of a red pair of shoes) and will soon be testing out the VIVO BAREFOOT Ultras. Got lots more reviews coming for that matter!

Barefoot Ted was giving getting rides on his rickshaw, and I finally got to meet Tarzan Erwan Le Corre of MovNat. I also pestered a bunch of people to get a photo with me:

Me “glowing” as I got to meet many of the barefoot celebrities at the run. Top left to right is yours truly with Barefoot Ted McDonald, Tucker Goodrich of Yelling Stop, Christopher McDougall, James Savage (BirthdayShoes blogger!), Christian Peterson of Maple Grove Barefoot Guy, and Steven Sachen of the Invisible Shoe.

At least some of them got the memo: no hair is cool in the barefoot community. And then there’s Steven Sachen with his flowing locks. Jealous.

Awesomely I got to meet the James Savage (red NYCBR shirt). You might not recognize James because you’ve mostly seen his feet — he’s blogged BirthdayShoes reviews on running sandals: huaraches, the VIVO Achilles, Brancas, and Teva Zilch.

All in all, race day was a fantastic experience shared among many like-minded barefoot running enthusiasts. I’m so glad I got the chance to attend. There was even an impromptu kid’s race to demonstrate “unadulterated” barefoot style running form:

I’ll wrap this up with where you can find out more on the NYCBR. If you were there and you blogged about the race, drop me a comment so I can add your post to this list!

More on the 2011 NYC Barefoot Run!

By Justin

Justin Owings is a deadlifting dad of three, working from Atlanta. When he's not chasing his three kids around, you'll find him trying to understand systems, risk, and human behavior.

7 replies on “NYC Barefoot Run 2011 Recap”

IT was awesome. Sorry I did not get to meet you Justin.

After meeting all the greats and making new friends I came back motivated to start up a Rhode Island Chapter.

MY previous PR was 13 miles, I came back and this week did a 16 then a glorious 26.2 miles in 4:14 all barefoot. Best part is no soreness, no issues other than the usual bit of tenderness on the soles.

Now 3 days later, I went out and did a nice 3 miler feeling great.

See you next year!

Barefootin’ the way we were meant to be…

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