Special Forces, Jumping out of Aircraft in FiveFingers KSOs

U.S. Army Special Forces in Vibram Five FingersAfter the success of the Bin Laden mission, NPR ran a story reporting that a dog may have been part of the raid. While there has been a lot of buzz about the dog having titanium teeth, it didn't take long…

Special Forces, Jumping out of Aircraft in FiveFingers KSOs

U.S. Army Special Forces in Vibram Five Fingers

After the success of the Bin Laden mission, NPR ran a story reporting that a dog may have been part of the raid. While there has been a lot of buzz about the dog having titanium teeth, it didn't take long for the watchful eyes of Vibram Five Fingers fans to notice something else. Read the rest of this post to see a close up of the Department of Defense stock news photo NPR used in their article!

Those look like Vibram Five Fingers KSOs (black/camou to be precise) to us! What do you think? In light of our article reporting that the Army may have banned Vibram Five Fingers in certain situations, it is good to see special forces guys rockin' the fives!