Special Forces, Jumping out of Aircraft in FiveFingers KSOs

U.S. Army Special Forces in Vibram Five FingersAfter the success of the Bin Laden mission, NPR ran a story reporting that a dog may have been part of the raid. While there has been a lot of buzz about the dog having titanium teeth, it didn’t take long…

U.S. Army Special Forces in Vibram Five Fingers

After the success of the Bin Laden mission, NPR ran a story reporting that a dog may have been part of the raid. While there has been a lot of buzz about the dog having titanium teeth, it didn’t take long for the watchful eyes of Vibram Five Fingers fans to notice something else. Read the rest of this post to see a close up of the Department of Defense stock news photo NPR used in their article!

Those look like Vibram Five Fingers KSOs (black/camou to be precise) to us! What do you think? In light of our article reporting that the Army may have banned Vibram Five Fingers in certain situations, it is good to see special forces guys rockin’ the fives!

By Justin

Justin Owings is a deadlifting dad of three, working from Atlanta. When he's not chasing his three kids around, you'll find him trying to understand systems, risk, and human behavior.

17 replies on “Special Forces, Jumping out of Aircraft in FiveFingers KSOs”

I can’t scream loud enough in text…


and a BIG thank you to our fathers, mothers, sisters and brothers (and only children):-)that serve our country!!!

this picture was on vibrams facebook photo gallery a wile ago. i didnt go look it up but i thought he asked if he could in this training exercise and they didnt mind.

Any time we trained with Special Forces guys, they seemed to use a lot of non-issued gear (more leeway with what they could use), so while most of us were in issued field coats and ponchos, those guys would have goretex hunting gear and boots (yeah, that dates me a little). I’m never too surprised to see them using non-standard gear, though it is fun to see what they do end up using.

“Any time we trained with Special Forces guys, they seemed to use a lot of non-issued gear…”

Yeah but what about the fact that it’s Camo’d out? Is there a way to get Camo Vibrams or is this something special for the military?

Great choice for a helocast insertion that will result in onto-the-shore movement as you can swim without the weight of sodden boots but still have foot protection when you get out of the water. Typical SF operator doing what is needed to accomplish the mission. RLTW!

The VFFs are starting to catch on in the Navy/Marine Corps. So far, wearing them for official PT is “up to the discretion of the commander” by Marine Corps order. Luckily, most of the officers seem to like them, and as long as no one is getting hurt, no one seems to mind.

I am now running since January 2011 in my Vibrams.
Meanwhile I can jog with the absence of noise.
It is really astonishing compared to my old cushoined shoes.

So the Special Forces can sneak upon the next terrorist and smoke him 🙂
Vibrams are stealy shoes, just try it.

Making a lot of noise while running also means a waste of energy.


I’m in this community and a year ago us Vibram wearers were looked at as a bit wacko. Nowadays, it’s totally different. Believe it or not, it’s the crossfit revolution that kind of did it. Guys were realizing that they were much more in control of what they were standing on when they wore them.

I’m in Monterey now at a Navy school and let me tell you, they’re everywhere.

I served as an 18D from 85 to 98, we use alot of nonstandard issue items, these would have been fantastic. No standard footprint, limited noise, more flex, man i would have killed to have these. I am off to REI to get a pair. I will use these in the OR and freak some people out…. I cant wait,

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