Vibram Five Fingers Cortina Seen?

Or is this some sort of “Big Foot” version of FiveFingers?

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Or is this some sort of “Big Foot” version of FiveFingers?

Update: Word is that the Cortina, little more than a prototype in the above photo, will likely not see the light of day. Maybe that is good thing! Either way, we’ll never know!

Update 2: At least a few pairs made it into production (and by a few, I mean probably less than a 100 but that’s a guess) and one fan reviewed the Cortina Vibram FiveFingers for BirthdayShoes!

Original post:

A fan of the official fivefingers facebook page posted the above picture with the accompanying caption:

mis nuevas fivefingers de invierno 🙂

Which, translated from Spanish to English means, “my new winter fivefingers.” As the post was made by “Amanda,” I’m going to go out on a limb and guess that this is the new Vibram FiveFingers Cortina, described previously as:

For women, a midcut, fully [lined] winter boot

Based on a little process of elimination as well as trying to marry together disparate bits of intell, my best guess is that this is the Cortina and not some new fivefingers “Big Foot” model.

Bringing all the existing intelligence on the newest additions to the fivefingers family together and making some unconfirmed educated guesses, here is what we’ve got:

As for the “Moc” and “Performa,” both of which were mentioned in the FN blurb, my hunch is that the “Moc” was renamed the “Glove.” That leaves the Performa as a lingering unknown.

Here’s one wild guess, just as the Glove is like a kangaroo-leather, “pod”-soled version of the Classic, perhaps the Performa is similarly similar to the KSO. In other words, the Performa may be a kangaroo-leather, fully-covered VFF, not unlike the Trek, but without the extra padding and insulated suede.

Hopefully, we’ll know more soon. If you hear anything (or see anything), please let me know!

Other posts regarding new Vibram FiveFingers models:

By Justin

Justin Owings is a deadlifting dad of three, working from Atlanta. When he's not chasing his three kids around, you'll find him trying to understand systems, risk, and human behavior.

3 replies on “Vibram Five Fingers Cortina Seen?”

Too bad they’re only making a Women’s version (as far as I understand). This seems like the took the Surge and made it fuzzy.

Anyway, it seems like more of a novelty than anything (for me, at least, since I probably wouldn’t wear it!) – I think that personally, I’d get more functionality out of the Trek + Glove/Moc.

Okay that is something different. I my VFF’s I guess all the new models are not meant for water use. Hope that they don’t discontinue any of the older models.

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