Vibram Five Fingers Discusssed on The Doctors TV show (Classics and KSOs)

A screencap from The Doctors show where they show off their Vibram Five Fingers. At least one of the doctors – Dr. Drew Ordon – couldn’t get both KSO VFFs on his feet!In case you missed it on TV, the popular show The Doctors featured VFFs. Dr. Trav…

A screencap from The Doctors show where they show off their Vibram Five Fingers.  At least one of the doctors - Dr. Drew Ordon - couldn't get both KSO VFFs on his feet!

A screencap from The Doctors show where they show off their Vibram Five Fingers. At least one of the doctors – Dr. Drew Ordon – couldn’t get both KSO VFFs on his feet!

In case you missed it on TV, the popular show The Doctors featured VFFs. Dr. Travis Stork leads the discussion and makes the nice case that “5,000 years ago we didn’t have arch supports. We didn’t have running shoes with lots of cushion …” going on to make a nice plug for natural running.

Humorously, one of the docs, Dr. Drew Ordon, couldn’t quite get one of his Vibram KSO Five Fingers on! Also, Dr. Lisa Masterson calls VFFs a “fashion don’t” — they’ll grow on her, I’m sure. Oh and you’ll notice, also, that she’s wearing the new color combo dark pink/fascia Classic Vibram Five Fingers.

A close-up of one of The Doctors - Dr. Lisa Masterson - she's wearing the new color women's Classic Vibram Five Fingers in dark pink!

A close-up of one of The Doctors – Dr. Lisa Masterson – she’s wearing the new color women’s Classic Vibram Five Fingers in dark pink!

Watch the clip featuring Vibram Five Fingers on The Doctors below:

I do take issue with Dr. Stork’s notion that surfaces weren’t hard 5,000 years ago (like concrete today); seems there were no uniform surfaces 5,000 years ago either, meaning you had to run over rocks and varied terrain all the time.

I digress. All in all, I see this as good press for Vibrams!

By Justin

Justin Owings is a deadlifting dad of three, working from Atlanta. When he's not chasing his three kids around, you'll find him trying to understand systems, risk, and human behavior.

3 replies on “Vibram Five Fingers Discusssed on The Doctors TV show (Classics and KSOs)”

I think the five finger shoes would be good for someone like my mom who has bunions on the sides of her feet .She doen’t get out much and very seldom puts shoes on. I would like to get a pair. I am a runner and have had a recent injury that I will need to have surgey. I am going to sign up for a chance to win a pair.

I purchased a pair 2 days ago and ran 5 k on them yesterday. when i was running the shoes felt amazing you are totally in tune with what you are running on. Me since it is snowy in canada i was running on a treadmill at the local ycma. i could feel the heat of the treatmill then once i got of it on to the colder floor i could feel it to. but sadly today my feet are in pain, so pls on the first day dont over use them how ever good they feel. or the next day you will barely be able to walk. I Love my FiveFingers

I recently purchased some KSO trak slippers and enjoy wearing them. However, for a rule of “big toe” get a size that allows the big toe to have some space. The ones that I have are were my toe hits the tip of the shoe. So, now I have to keep my toe nails down in order to wear them comfortably throughout the day. In case you are wondering I do not run or exercise at all. I just walk to the car, drive, walk about work and the store and then back to the car.

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