VivoBarefoot Early Black Friday Doorbuster Sale

Outdoor gear site LeftLane Sports just launched a 24 hour only sale on Vivo Barefoot shoes that includes a large variety of Vivos shoes--if you can find your size! They're dubbing it an "early access" Black Friday sale and I have to say—it is…

VivoBarefoot Early Black Friday Doorbuster Sale

It's that time of year again—no, not talking about Thanksgiving—but rather the retail holiday du jour: Black Friday is a week away. At least one online retailer is trying to woo customers via a flash, one-day "early access" Black Friday sale (Say that five times fast!)

Outdoor gear site LeftLane Sports just launched a 24 hour only sale on Vivo Barefoot shoes that includes a large variety of Vivos shoes--if you can find your size! They're dubbing it an "early access" Black Friday sale and I have to say—it is delivering. Case in point: you can get the original Gobis for about $51 and The One is $52!

If you're not a member of LeftLane use my invite to sign up so you can get $10 credit off your first purchase over $50.  Orders over $75 also get free shipping. Shipping aside, if you're new, that means you could pick up the original Gobis for $41 after using your credit. That is a steal.

Links to the sale:

Becoming a "member" of LeftLane is as simple as providing basic info (name/email).  There are no strings attached (no fees to join) other than the fact you'll get emails about future upcoming sales—but you can quit the email list at any time.

If you can't find your size, go ahead and join for your $10 credit and keep an eye on future sales—Vivos tend to pop up periodically! Alternatively, you can hunt down some other minimalist shoes at LeftLane: Vibrams | Altras | New Balances | Inov-8s ]

Good luck!

(Cross-posted to BirthdayShoes Deals! If you know of a deal, let me know!)