Weekend Link Love 6/20/10
BirthdayShoes NewsThis week on Birthday Shoes we asked the community to sound off about their favorite Tips and Tricks on Barefoot or Vibram Five Fingers Running. We gave away stickers to the first ten commenters. If you missed it, stay tuned for m…

BirthdayShoes Week in Review
Happy Father's Day all dads out there! This past week on Birthday Shoes we asked the community to sound off about their favorite Tips and Tricks on Barefoot or Vibram Five Fingers Running. We gave away stickers to the first ten commenters. If you missed it, stay tuned for more sticker, shoe, and t-shirt* giveaways. Birthday Shoes community members Adam and Taylor submitted pics of their escape from Vegas to Red Rock Canyon. Volcanologist, James, said good bye to Iceland and shared these parting shots of his Vibram KSOs. Also, Aaron sent us a cool pic in his KSO Treks that he wears to work in a machine shop—metal shavings and all. After the jump, see links and videos related to barefoot running and, of course, Vibram Five Fingers!
Latest Vibram Five Fingers Links

Check out Matthew McConaughey who was caught sporting his Team USA World Soccer Jacket and most importantly, toting some stylish Vibram Five Finger KSOs. For other celebrity sightings in Vibrams, check this tag. It is always nice to hear of a healthcare professional advocating the benefits of going barefoot. The Tennessean profiles a barefoot marathoner who was told by his podiatrist to try going barefoot to strengthen his feet. The Seattle Post Intelligencer does a nice write-up about Seattle's own Barefoot Ted McDonald. Here's a story and video from New Haven, CT about a local barefoot hikers group with 44 members enjoying a 2 mile barefoot hike, er...massage. Matt Metzgar makes an argument for running barefoot on hard surfaces instead of grass or sand. Marathoner, Barefoot Brandon, shares some nice barefooting links in this post, including a video of Miss World Canada 2010 rocking her VFFs.
Latest Vibram Five Fingers Reviews
Joel, over at the The Blog of Impossible Things, does a nice video review of his experiences with Vibram KSOs and the Five Fingers community.
Vibram Five Fingers Latest Videos
Professor Daniel Lieberman on heel striking vs. forefoot strike: Runner Dude, Barefoot Josh, gives an intro to barefoot running training session: Hey, this guy has a really nice barefoot stride: Adam Starr hikes Mt. Washington in his Vibram Five Fingers KSO Treks: Norweige does some fat grip pullups and lifts some serious weight in his Vibram Five Fingers:
Thanks for looking and have a good week!
* Coming soon, I hope!