xkcd Immortality Vibram FiveFingers (God's Shoes!)

Today's xkcd comic pays homage to the mystical powers of toe shoes and to the general initial aversion folks have to wearing them for the first time (despite their supposed awesome goodness). Immmortality Vibram FiveFingers? Sounds a lot like "God's S…

xkcd Immortality Vibram FiveFingers (God's Shoes!)

Today's xkcd comic pays homage to the mystical powers of toe shoes and to the general initial aversion folks have to wearing them for the first time (despite their supposed awesome goodness).  Immmortality Vibram FiveFingers?  Sounds a lot like "God's Shoes" to me ...

Personally, I would gladly pay $20 to get this comic on a tshirt.  Anyone know Randall Munroe?  How can we make this happen?  If you'd do this comment below, share this post on facebook, share it on twitter, and let's try and get Randall's attention.  Maybe he'd be open to it with enough interest!

Oh right, about the "God's Shoes" — this xkcd just reminds me of the old (prescient) Married with Children episode (from 1991! — Ep. 8 of Season 6) where Al Bundy conjures up shoes with individual and calls them "God's Shoes" Check it:

Watch the clip here:

P.S. I'm pretty sure xkcd has had a FiveFingers or toe shoes allusion in the past but I can't recall which comic.  Anyone know?