Christopher McDougall is making the rounds on his book tour
A lot of you read the Roving Runner piece from the NY Times this past weekend (as well as other pres
A lot of you read the Roving Runner piece from the NY Times this past weekend (as well as other press), which featured Born to Run author Christopher McDougall and barefoot running convert showing running through central park with Brian Fidelman — barefoot, of course.
Well, it seems Mr. McDougall passed through Atlanta on his book tour this past Friday on his book tour (and I just found out today!). I assume that's when this CNN video interview of him was shot:
Embedded video from CNN Video
There are some nice photos in the video from Luis Escobar of the Tarahumara Copper Canyons Ultra that is one of the main stories in BtR. If you're paying attention, I think I saw some fivefinger Sprints on the grass there, too.
Finally, Charleston, South Carolina's Post and Courier had an article today titled Vibram hits its stride, which is a fun read about the growing success of VFFs:
"It started blowing up in the Savannah store about 12 months ago. Special Ops forces came in and got two or three pair at a time before being deployed," recalls Moulton. "(FiveFingers) were originally designed for water sports, but more and more people are buying them to run or to experiment with running."
I'd like to point out that Robert Fliri, the original designer of fivefingers, had hiking in mind with the VFF design. I think it was the fact that Vibram's present head honcho was into sailing and saw a use for them as boat shoes that drove the actual production of VFFs. Ultimately, it's being proven time and time again that VFFs can be used for just about anything, which is really just to say that our feet are strong enough on their own and need next to nothing to be used to do anything!
Finally, I've not been to Half Moon Outfitters here in Atlanta—will need to check them out soon! I was recently in Abbadabba's looking for a pair of KSOs for Mrs. Birthday Shoes and one of the store employees (?) had actually been to the site!
Both strange and cool at the same time!

Be sure and check out my interview with Christopher McDougall!
In it, Chris talks about denying your nature, the sports shoe industry, getting to barefoot, cross-pollinating ideas, and more!