The ground beneath your V5F feet

Perhaps one of the most common Vibram fivefingers photos out there is the overhead photo of your VFF

Perhaps one of the most common Vibram fivefingers photos out there is the overhead photo of your VFFing feet. A good number of the five finger photos on this site have been taken from that angle.

However, rarely has the focus of these pictures been anything other than the shoes themselves (Exceptions V5Fs at Fenway, Rafting). Enter in Elise McIntosh’s photoset on flickr titled “Crystal City Beneath Five Fingers:”

Mental_floss blogged about the set:

So my friend Elise McIntosh was on a business trip in Crystal City (near Washington, DC), and decided to take a walk. She wears these crazy shoes called Vibram Five Fingers — which I refer to as “the gorilla feet.” Anyway, she looked down at one point and noticed that on a short walk, she was walking over all kinds of interesting-looking patterns. So she started taking pictures and posting them on Flickr, in a set called Crystal City Beneath Five Fingers.

It’s a neat twist to the standard VFF self-taken photo. If anyone else decides to do this, send me a link and I can add it to this post!

By Justin

Justin Owings is a deadlifting dad of three, working from Atlanta. When he's not chasing his three kids around, you'll find him trying to understand systems, risk, and human behavior.

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