Order the Vibram FiveFingers KSO Trek, the Moc, and Performa!

I'm excited to announce that John over at KayakShed.com has started taking orders for the Vibram Five Fingers KSO Trek, Moc, and Performa.

Be sure and check out the Vibram Five Fingers KSO Trek review!

The review covers the KSO Trek's design (sole attributes and thickness), aesthetic, performance, fit, and more.  You can read it by going here.

The Five Fingers KSO Trek, Moc, and Performa

Update: The KSO Trek, Moc, and Performa are available at local retailers!  You can also grab them at KayakShed or hunt down a pair via the birthdayshoes store!

Thus far, the KSO Trek has been reviewed here.  Also, see the first look at the fivefingers KSO Trek, including video and photos here.  See my thoughts after an initial trail run in the fivefingers KSO Treks here.

Finally, for an ongoing discussion on pre-orders and general ordering of the new Vibram fivefinger models, see this forum discussion!

———end of notes and updates———

I'm excited to announce that John over at Kayak Shed is now taking pre-orders for the Vibram FiveFingers KSO Trek, the FiveFingers Moc, and the FiveFingers Performa!

These three new models are the latest fivefingers designs from Vibram.  Each was created to address specific requests from fivefinger users.  Specifically:

the Vibram Five Fingers KSO Trek

click either pic for a larger version

The KSO Trek employs the most aggressive Vibram fivefingers sole yet, 4mm of stone-bruising protective EVA midsole, and a tear/sweat/bacteria-resistant kangaroo leather upper to make for the most rugged and durable answer to trail running, hiking, cold-exposure and general outdoor use yet — all while "keeping stuff out."

The Five Fingers KSO Trek is available in black and brown and retails at $124.99.  KSO Treks are size according to the existing KSO specifications (Help on sizing five fingers here).  Read the full KSO Trek review here.

Get the KSO Trek at KayakShed or or hunt down a pair via the birthdayshoes store!

the Vibram fivefingers Moc

click either pic for a larger version

The Vibram fivefingers Moc is a male-specific VFF that utilizes seven distinctive Vibram rubber pods (with the heel, ball, and each toe receiving their own individualized sole) all while providing the flexibility, tear resistance, breathability, and comfort of kangaroo leather.  The Moc is the closest thing to a true "foot glove" yet.  Finally, the Moc has a slightly higher front lip (or "vamp") making them quite the svelte men's VFF.  Could someone get these and wear them to a black-tie event already?

The ultra-flexible Moc is intended for use indoors — yoga, martial arts, weight-lifting, CrossFit, James Bond-like espionage, etc.  You can see my unboxing and first look at the five fingers Moc here.

The Moc is available in blue and black and retails for $109.99.  The Moc effectively sizes the same as the Classics.

Get the fivefingers Moc at KayakShed!  Or find a pair via major Vibram Five Fingers retailers online at the store!

the Vibram fivefingers Performa

click either pic for a larger version

The Vibram fivefingers Performa is a women's specific "foot glove" like the VFF Moc.  It employs the seven-part podded Vibram sole technology whereby the heel, midfoot, and each toe gets its own, individualized "sole" and the entire casing of the Performa is constructed of kangaroo leather.  The primary difference is aesthetic: the Performa has the more typical VFF design with a lower arching front lip (or "vamp") as opposed to the higher vamp of the Moc.

And they simply look rad.

The Performa is an indoor-specific fivefingers model which can be used for any indoor activity under the sun — including yoga, martial arts, pilates, weight-lifting, and CrossFit, just to name a few.

The fivefingers Performa is available in coral, violet, or black and retails at $109.99.  The Performa sizes the same as Classic fivefingers.

Get the Five Fingers Performa at KayakShed or hunt down a pair via the birthdayshoes store!