The New Fall 2010 Vibram Five Fingers Models and Colors - KSO Remix, Smartwool Classics, More! is pleased to introduce a as new site sponsor and simultaneously give you a preview of the new Vibram Five Fingers 2010 fall line-up which will soon be available there. You can be confident you are getting the real thing…

The New Fall 2010 Vibram Five Fingers Models and Colors - KSO Remix, Smartwool Classics, More!

Major Update!  City Sports just got the KSO Remix and Smartwool Classics in!  Read more.

Birthday Shoes is happy to introduce The Shoe Mart as a new site sponsor and simultaneously give you a preview of the new <a href="/a> 2010 Fall line-up.

The Shoe Mart is based out of Norwalk, Connecticut, and has been selling shoes since 1956.  They carry the full line of Vibram Five Fingers (Depending on inventory), offer free shipping, and ship internationally and accept Paypal!  As always, all stores listed on are checked out — you can be confident you are getting the real thing and not <a href=" these-are-not-vibram-five-fingers-spotting-fakes-counterfeits-knock-offs-and-other-pirated-black-market-five-toed-shoes">fake five fingers.

So without further ado here is a photo gallery of the Fall 2010 Vibram Five Fingers line-up.

Men's KSO Remix Men's Smartwool Classic Men's Blue Bikila
Men's Black Trek Sport Men's Beige Trek Sport Women's Beige Trek Sport

Click images to zoom.

So what do we have here:

Five Fingers KSO Remix: We've got a wild red KSO for men.  It's actually camouflaged for anyone traveling on Mars — Martian toe shoes!

Smartwool Classic Five Fingers for men and women (This is the men's photo, but women's look the same — expected to see more color options!).  We've previously seen Smartwool Classics here and here.  For those unfamiliar with Smartwool, it's a high-tech wool derived from Merino wool that doesn't itch and is shrink-resistant.  According to wikipedia, Smartwool has "moisture-wicking performance and odor-reducing, anti-microbial properties."  I personally dig the natural look of these new-styled Classics — a bit more natural looking, which is great if you're like me and wear Classics casually.

A Five Fingers Bikila in blue for men (Top row, rightmost.  Note: we just saw a new Five Fingers Bikila color for women hit retailers, so maybe this blue version will come out soon!).  I find this color combo reminiscent of the blue and grey camo blue KSOs — slightly more refined perhaps!

The Five Fingers Trek Sport (The entire bottom row - Note black is for both men and women!).  We've previously seen the Trek Sport here and here.  In short, the Trek Sport is a vegan-friendly version of the kangaroo leather KSO Trek — it's got the lightly cleated Trek sole pattern that's great for trail running and hiking. There's also an Achilles notch of some sort.  Also, if memory serves, it may have a replaceable strap and an upper made out of coconut fabric, which has some interesting moisture-wicking and odor-stopping powers.  From left to right, you've got a black Trek Sport (men and women), then a men's and women's Trek Sport moving from left to right.

My personal favorite is the new Trek Sport that will be less expensive than the  KSO Trek while still sporting the rugged Trek sole.

Update: City Sports just got in the Smartwool Classics for men and women and the KSO Remix!

I couldn't make this up: I just got word that City Sports just today (same day as this post!) got in their first shipment of Smartwool Classics for men and Women as well as the KSO Remix!  Amazingly/Awesomely, it seems that "Fall" has come a bit early for at least a few of these new products from  Vibram!  Here are the links and details:

I, for one, can't wait to get some Smartwool Classics.  Got my eye on the Martian KSOs, too.