Vibram Five Fingers Trek Sport in Fall 2010 [New Product]

Last week and weekend was the winter market 2010 Outdoor Retailer trade show out in Utah. Vibram apparently had a booth and thanks to Byron over at iRunFar, we get his scoop — seems Vibram is working on a FiveFingers Trek Sport for fall 2010. The…

Vibram Five Fingers Trek Sport in Fall 2010 [New Product]
Alert! - 7/30/10 The all new Black Trek Sport has arrived at CitySports along with a new blue Bikila.

Last week and weekend was the winter market 2010 Outdoor Retailer trade show out in Utah.  Vibram apparently had a booth and thanks to Bryon over at iRunFar, we get his scoop — seems Vibram is working on a FiveFingers Trek Sport for fall 2010 (now available here!).  The VFF Trek Sport borrows elements from the KSO Trek, the KSO, and the Bikila — it has the Trek's sole; the KSOs synthetic upper (I assume a major selling point in the Vegan community); and the TPU toe protection, reflective bits, and an "achilles notch" similar to what we're seeing with the FiveFingers Bikila.  Here's how Bryon put it:

The Vibram FiveFingers Trek Sport will combine the more aggressive outsole of the KSO Trek with and light upper similar to the KSO. While the upper will be light, Vibram has added a bit of TPU on the top of each toe as is found on the forthcoming Bikila model we discussed after last summer’s OR show. The FiveFingers Trek Sport will also feature reflective detailing, an achilles notch to make it more run-worthy, and a removable heel strap.

Re-read that last part — "removable heel strap."  Many VFFers with KSOs have run into breaking heel-straps, a consequence of the "sawing" that can occur where the nylon strap bends on either side of the instep.  A common way to fix this problem (mod) has been to tape up the KSO straps — as demonstrated by Jason.

The FiveFingers Sport Trek is expected to retail at $100.

Additionally, we are glimpsing a blue/gray combo of the FiveFingers Bikila.  I have no idea if this color combo will be available when the Bikila comes out in the next couple months or later.  Time will tell. Get it now!

So another year and another version of VFFs to ponder.  It's becoming increasingly complicated for VFF fans to determine which Five Fingers will best suit their needs.

I say if you're new to VFFs, keep it simple.  Go KSO or Classic first.  You'll have plenty of time to flesh out your line-up in time.  Or just try and get them all like Shawn!

What say ye, fans?

Again, thanks to Bryon for allowing me to share this on BirthdayShoes!