Weekend Link Love 3/28/10

I’m mixing up how I’ve previously tracked new reviews of Vibram Five Fingers (As in, my “Latest Reviews” posts). Each week that goes by brings more and more reviews with it. As these reviews come in, I will be regularly updating this page:Vibram Fi…

I’m mixing up how I’ve previously tracked new reviews of Vibram Five Fingers (As in, my “Latest Reviews” posts). Each week that goes by brings more and more reviews with it. As these reviews come in, I will be regularly updating this page:

Vibram Five Fingers Reviews ’round the Web

That way, anyone can find every review out there on Vibram Five Fingers in one place in an orderly fashion.

Meanwhile, on Sundays, so long as I can manage it, I’ll post links to Vibram and natural/barefoot running related articles and reviews of note from around the web. The goal here is to point the VFF community to interesting stuff around the net. Therefore, if you find any articles that you think might interest the barefoot-powered community, drop me an email at justin at birthdayshoes dot com with a link and any relevant information about the article (quotes, thoughts, whatever). I can’t promise I’ll post everything submitted, but all submissions will get consideration!

Inaugural weekend link love*:

That’s it for this week!

*The “link love” terminology was taken unabashedly from Mark Sisson.

By Justin

Justin Owings is a deadlifting dad of three, working from Atlanta. When he's not chasing his three kids around, you'll find him trying to understand systems, risk, and human behavior.

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