Vibram Five Fingers Reviews 'round the Web

A comprehensive list of Vibram Five Fingers reviews gathered from around the internet including reviews on Classic, Sprint, KSO (Keep Stuff Out), Flow, KSO Trek, Moc, and Performa reviews.

Vibram Five Fingers Reviews 'round the Web

Below is a comprehensive list of Vibram Five Fingers reviews found both here on Birthday Shoes or around the web.  The list is organized by publish date (most recent being at the top) and VFF model.

This list is regularly updated. Note that reviews prior to 2009 have been discovered months after their original post date — if you are aware of a review that is not on this list, please contact the administrator!  Also, if you find any links are broken, please let me know.

And if you're hunting for an online retailer, begin your search at the store.

Classic Vibram Five Fingers reviews

Also see the definitive guide to the Classic.

Sprint Vibram Five Fingers reviews

KSO Vibram Five Fingers reviews

Also see the definitive guide to the KSO.

Flow Vibram Five Fingers reviews

KSO Trek Vibram Five Fingers reviews

Moc Vibram Five Fingers reviews

Performa Vibram Five Fingers reviews

Bikila Vibram Five Fingers reviews

Other Vibram Five Fingers reviews [Euro-only models, Discontinued models, General reviews]

  • This review was on a prior version of the KSO.  Up through 2008 (or so), the KSO had the exact same sole construction as the Classic and Sprint; subsequently, Vibram added 2mm of EVA to the midsole of the KSO, which continues to be included in the KSO to this day (See the definitive guide to the Vibram Five Fingers KSO).